Payback Time

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Stabbed in the back
Qui bono?

Well known predators
fraud, misrepresentation, deception
unconstitutional methodologies
not failing to impress Don Corleone
cost-efficiently entrenching
the human impediment
and distraction.

The Count of Monte Cristo ("CMC")
incarcerated, de-risked, silenced
but leveraged by great fortune
passed on by randomness
and the generosity of

Huge wealth enabled CMC
to perform the fine art of vengeance
in a quid-pro-quo environment
predominated by
zero-sum games.

With modus operandi
sharp as falling knifes
enhanced by the subtle mystique
of speculative stock-markets
and rock-solid legal frameworks.

The art & science of home-made justice
the unchristian, but natural
satisfaction that comes with
playing prosecutor
jury and judge
at the same time
out of court.

Forgive us our trespasses as
we do not forgive those who
trespass against us
(Our Godfather).

Law enforcement
how to do it yourself
Hollywood style
In spite of sparing
perpetrators' offspring (well done)
the aristocratic enforcer fell out of love.

No free lunch
not even for
the wealthiest of aristocracy.

Fare thee well my love
disregard for
reconciliation and forgiveness
costed CMC the love of his life.

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