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2016 Election night at 6pm ET, smilingStocks
An unknown US poet was prophesying
Mr. Trump's surprising election victory (footnote)
Trump had by then not yet won Michigan, North Carolina
Critical swing state Florida, let alone bell-weather Ohio
The polls, the analysts, the financial markets
Were still expecting a grand slam for Mrs. Clinton.

Trump's Victoria's secret's considered by
Wall Street traders as a Black Swan Event
An event or occurrence deviating beyond
What is normally expected of a situation
Like the 2008 financial crisis, Trump's
Election is a BSE, inadvertently coinciding
But not to be confused, with BullShit Events
Is typically random - impossible to predict
Yet it has catastrophic ramifications.

For eight long years the White House
Was occupied by a Black-skinned US President
The shocking Black swan event will replace
Him by a Black-hearted, bad tempered man
It seems we are Back-at-Black again
To be or not to be – do be do be do
Black swan, Black-skin, Black heart
Question is which black is worse.

Footnote - Referencing to the poem 'Hurrah! Trump has won'

By Smiling Stocks, online published in 3 US poetry Platforms

At the early evening of November 8, 2016. Fortunately

The merchant banker poet hedged his bets, he voted Hillary Clinton

But betted a million dollars on Donald Trump, the outcome broke

His poetic heart, but made the prosaic gambler multi-millionaire

Credit to where credit's due: the title references to Amy Winehouse's Legendary song lyric 'Back to Black', released in 2006, exactly 6 years

Before America voted a black-hearted moron as president, and 5 years

After 9/11, another iconic example of a black swan event (BSE).

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