02: Withdrawal

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A/N- You work at a bank just roll with it =D

*Your POV*
"You seem happier than usual today. What's going on?" My coworker Angela asked me from her side of our teller booth.

"I am happier than usual. Only 1 week, 2 days, and 16 hours before Jack comes home." I said. "Next person please!" I said, remembering I was still at work. A woman approached my desk, and I said,

"Hello, Ma'am, how are you? Deposit or a withdrawal?"

"I am well, thank you. A withdrawl, please, miss." She replied.

"Alright. I'll get the papers for you, fill out some information, and you are free to fill out the rest of the form." I said, snapping back into business mode. As I turned around to grab forms for the woman, she stepped aside so I could call the next person. I heard footsteps approach, but I did not yet look up from my papers. As I finished up writing, I said, still not looking yet,

"Hello, how are you today? One moment please... " I finished writing, and put my hand up in preparation to give the woman her papers as the person said,

"Hello! I am quite well, thank you for asking." In a thick, familiar Irish accent. My head snapped up to face the man, and none other than Jack stood before me smiling widely. My jaw dropped open, and I didn't even hear the woman saying,

"Miss, may I have the forms? Miss? " I vaguely remember Angela taking the forms from my still extended hand and giving them to the woman, but my eyes remained wide and my mouth open.

"Jack?" I scarcely made a sound before standing up slowly and pinching my arm.

"Just go, stupid." Angela giggled, calling the next person. I ran toward the little gate that said 'Employees Only' and burst through it. Jack was waiting for me there, and I squealed as he wrapped me in a huge hug.

"You're home early..." I whispered happily, rocking side to side.

"I missed my girlfriend." Jack said into my shoulder. I took in his scent, always smelling of pine and fresh rain. I felt Jack smiling into my shoulder.

"I can't be away from perfection for too long, now can I?" He asked.

A/N- This is based around something that actually happened to one of my family members :D

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