14: Blindly Following

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A/N: In this imagine, you were blinded at the age of 15. You are now 25... Just go with it<3


*Your POV*

"Are you ready, Miss (Y/N)?" I hear a sweet woman's voice, and I'm assuming it's the nurse or the doctor about to take me into surgery. I nod, ready to get this procedure over with. I hear the familiar, light stepping of my boyfriend approaching my bed. One second later, Jack's hand wraps over mine and he squeezed my hand lightly.

"You're going to do great. I know you will." Jack tried to sound confident, but then he sighed. I giggled, and I couldn't help but smile. Jack was more nervous about my vision-correction surgery than I was, I guess because you're rarely afraid of what you can't see. So fear... It's hasn't really been a problem for me for a while.

"Jack, I'll be fine. I'm sure that everyone here is highly qualified to do their jobs." I said, holding back laughter. I just find it quite ironic that I'm not even afraid, or slightly nervous about this surgery. The surgery will take about two hours, and then I can't remove my bandages for a full day, and then... I can see again for the first time in ten years. At least, that's what the doctors have been saying will happen.

"Sir, I can assure you that our doctors are very highly qualified to perform surgeries, and that Miss (Y/N) will be out of this surgery and recovering before you know it." The woman paused, and I assumed that Jack nodded, because the nurse continued speaking.

"Alright then, Miss (Y/N), I am now going to roll your bed out of this room and into the operation room. Mr. McLoughlin will be waiting here, as he has insisted on doing." I nodded. Jack sighed (again), and then kissed my cheek. I smiled, and I would have kissed his cheek as well, but if we didn't hurry up, we'd never get into the surgery.

"Okay, sounds fabulous." I said. "I'm ready. And with that, the nurse lowered my bed so that I was lying flat, and wheeled us out the door and down a hallway.

"Y'know, you've got yourself quite a gentleman waiting for you." The nurse commented. I smiled, knowing it was the truth and appreciating the comment.

"He's the best boyfriend I could ask for." I said simply. We were quiet once more, until my bed came to a slow stop.

"Alright, here we are. I'll be in here with you, but you will be asleep for this. I know you'll do great. Just hang in there, Miss (Y/N)." I appreciated her belief in me, and I felt a surge of confidence swirl through me.

"Thank you.... I'm sorry, but what should I call you?" I asked.

"Just call me Nurse Katie."

"Alright then. Thank you Nurse Katie." And with that, we rolled into the operation room. My ears were immediately met with a low humming of machinery and the sound of surgeon's heavy footsteps echo quietly around the room.

*Mini-Time Skip*

"Miss (Y/N)? How are you feeling?" A doctor asked me. I sleepily turned my head toward the sound of his voice, and replied,

"M'tired." Which was my sleepy way of saying, 'I'm tired.'

"Okay. That's good. In about two minutes, you should be fully asleep. Do you hear me?" I nod my head, and then lie still again. It's strange to think about, but once my sleep is fully induced, I'll wake up about two hours from now and technically be able to see. I won't be able to take my bandages off for an entire day, but I'll still be physically capable of seeing.

As this point, my brain has pretty much shut down. I'm tired, and trying to fight the sleep medicine. But the drug is doing its job well, and I'm essentially already asleep. I can distantly hear the doctors speaking, and I hear Nurse Katie speaking as well. Their voices begin to blend together as my mind totally shuts down, and I fall fast asleep.

*Jack's POV, 3 Hours Later*

I heard Nurse Katie's voice speaking softly, and I heard the familiar lilt of (Y/N)'s voice respond to her. I get up from my chair and pace the floor for what feels like the millionth time, counting the monochrome white tiles under my feet. Having done this a probably unhealthy amount of times, I remember details about each tile. The first one is pristine white, the second one has a break down the center of it, the third one has a black sharpie mark on it, the fourth one is perfect, the fifth one has a single scuff mark on it, the sixth one-

My pacing was interrupted by the door slowly opening. Nurse Katie wheeled (Y/N) through the doorway, and she seemed awake and alert.

"Are we back yet?" I hear (Y/N) ask. "I can't hear the TV going as usual." I quickly crossed the room and turned the TV back on.

"Sorry, (Y/N), I turned it off because I couldn't focus." I said. Her head turned in my direction.

"Jack? Is that you? Am I back in the room now?" She asked.

"Yeah, it's me. You're back." I replied.

"What were you focusing on?" She asked. "You said that you turned it off because you couldn't focus. Focus on what?" I looked down sheepishly at the floor, then said,

"It's hard to pace the floor when someone is going on in the background about cheetahs and the wild savanna." I replied. (Y/N) laughed, and said,

"Jack, come over here." I went to her bedside, and took her hand to let her know I was there. She gripped my hand tightly, and said,

"You know you don't have to worry about me. The surgery was just fine... According to the doctors, I was a trooper." (Y/N) laughed quietly. "Stop worrying about me. Okay? Your worrying makes me think I should be worrying about myself." Nurse Katie came back into the room- I didn't even realize that she had left- and she gave me some paperwork. We spoke for a little bit about (Y/N) and how I can take care of her, and then I got to leave with (Y/N).

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