09: Reminiscing

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*Your POV*

"Jack, do you remember the first day we met, in high school?" I asked, smiling at the memory. Jack and I were sitting on the couch in our house, simply remembering everything that happened to lead up to where we are now. We started from most recent backward, so the first thing we remembered was our wedding, only 3 weeks prior to today.

"I definitely remember that. You were shaking like crazy..."

*Flashback, Jack's POV*

I always ride my bike to school, and I'm always the first one into class. I wait for my teachers and classmates to arrive, and I usually just sit in the back of the room, listening to music. That was my ritual, and has been since freshman year. However. My ritual was interrupted senior year when one girl started getting to class before me. Every day, consistently, since the beginning of the year she's been sitting in the seat three rows ahead of mine. I can't put my finger on her name- she's been in this school for awhile but we've never met. Somehow, I had a feeling that was going to change.

*Your POV*

Why is it so cold?

As usual, I get to class early, and sit on the right side of the room, in the middle row. I put my earbuds in, and turn on the song (Y/F/S) quietly. I sit back in my chair, looking at the clock. 




As if on cue, the green-haired boy walks into class exactly 5 minutes after I did. Usually, all the other students in class roll into the room just before the bell rings, but I like to be here early so I don't have to walk around. This is the first year I've had this boy in one of my classes, and it's nice to know that someone else likes to be in class early.

It also doesn't hurts that he's soooo cute. 

I've seen him around in school before, but we've never actually met. Hopefully I'll get to know him better in this class. But for right now,  I can't think about that. I can barely think in general with the AC in the room blasting so high a penguin would be cold. I'm actually surprised I haven't shivered my earbuds out of my ears. I'm trying not to move, as moving would make my tiny bubble of warmth dissipate. But I couldn't help but react when the boy came in the room, so all my warmth went away and I went back to shivering.

*Time Skip, ~3 minutes*

The newest bubble of warmth I had going on burst when I felt a tap on my shoulder. Not expecting it, I flinched rather violently, and I was left shivering once again. I turn around, surprised to see the boy standing there.

"Hey..." He began. "I noticed that you were shivering, so I thought I'd offer you my hoodie." He said, holding up a black hoodie that said 'Speed is Key' on the back in white letters. I took this second before I had to answer to take in this boy. I've only caught glimpses of him in the hallway, or the two seconds it takes for him to get from the classroom door to his seat behind me. Strangely, my eyes were not drawn to his vibrant green hair, which was very bright and suited him well. Rather, my eyes were drawn to his. Piercing blue, I felt like someone had gotten his eye color straight from the ocean. His eyes sparkled, with a mild glint of mischief in them that I found interesting. He has a thin, almost lanky figure, but he carried himself quite well. Under the hoodie that I'm assuming he had taken off to offer to me, he was wearing a simple blue shirt and black jeans, with black converse to finish the outfit. 

"Really?" I asked, still dazed that he offered me his hoodie. He nodded, and I gratefully took the hoodie from him and proceeded to put it on.

"Thank you..." I said, looking up at him and smiling. "That was really sweet of you. And this hoodie is so comfortable..." I laughed quietly, and he laughed as well. 

"It's one of my favorite hoodies. The room is ridiculously cold today." He commented, taking the seat across from mine.

"Yeah, a polar bear would need a jacket in here. Aren't you cold?" I asked. 

"Not really." The boy responded. "I'm still warm from having the jacket on." I nodded, understanding. 

"This is going to sound like a strangely timed question, but I have to know- What's your name?" I asked. A small smile donned his face, making his eyes sparkle even more.

"My name's Sean, but everyone calls me Jack. I can't believe after all this time seeing you around the school, I've never known your name." Jack commented.

"Yeah, I know I've seen you around, but hey- I know now." I responded.

"What's your name?" Jack asked me. "You know mine, so it's only fair I know yours."

"Oh, duh. My name is (Y/N). And thank you again for this hoodie. I am eternally grateful!" 

"(Y/N)... That name fits you. It's a perfect match." Jack said. Taking that as a compliment, I couldn't stop a small smile from advancing onto my face.

*Flashback End*

"It was super cold that day. I still remember everything... That day made the rest of senior year 1,000 times more interesting." I commented, turning to Jack and smiling.

"Yeah. I actually had someone funny and cute to talk to during English class." He added.

"I will never forget that day. I was so taken by you then, and I still am to this day." I said, kissing my husband on the cheek.

"You know, you're the only girl in my entire school career that I actually found funny, smart, sweet, and slightly sarcastic, all rolled up into the coolest person ever. It's a good thing we're married- I still have more to find out about you." Jack said, returning my kiss.

"I love you, Jack.

"I love you too, (Y/N). Maybe even more than you love me."

"Don't start this, Jack...."

We both laughed.

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