14: Blindly Following- Part 2

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"Have you ever wondered what I look like?" Jack asked out of the blue. My head turns toward him in surprise.

"Yes, of course. Why do you ask?"

"Because." He paused, then said, "I couldn't imagine what my life would be like if I couldn't see you."


I remember the first time I met Jack. Of course, I didn't know his side of the story until after we had been dating for some time. I was around 23 years old, and I had gone for my daily walk in the park with my seeing-eye dog, Renegade. I remember hearing his footsteps approach, and Renegade turned her head toward him as well. I heard his footsteps stop, and he said,

"This is going to sound completely random, but your dog is really cute." Jack had said. "And very well trained! I wish Gizmo was this well-behaved." I then heard a little dog yip, whom I had assumed was Gizmo. I smiled in Jack's direction, replying,

"Well, thank you very much. She's a Labrador Retriever, and she's the best dog I've ever had. And she has to be well trained- she wouldn't be mine if she wasn't, so I'm grateful she's a good listener." I smiled again, reaching forward and groping for Renegade's head until I found it. I rubbed the fuzzy part of her head and scratched her ears, then placed my arm back in my lap. I heard Jack turn toward me, and I'm assuming his eyes were wide.

"So..." He trailed off.

"She's a guide dog, yeah. That's why she's so calm.... Because she has to be." I finished his thought. He was silent for a moment, thinking, I presumed. Then he asked,

"Can I join you?"

"Of course, have a seat!" I said. I scooted over a tad bit so that he could have a seat.

"By the way, my name's (Y/N)." I said. Jack laughed, a lovely sound, and replied,

"Beautiful name. I'm Jack, and it's a pleasure to meet you."

*Flashback End*

It's been two days. Two long, grueling days. It's one thing to be blind and have no way of seeing, and it's a totally different scenario when I can physically see but these stupid bandages are keeping my eyes shadowed from the world. The world that I haven't seen in so long, and that has probably changed so much withing the ten years I've been gone. I can only imagine what it's like to be a seeing person in a constantly changing world. I'll be able to check the time whenever I want. I'll be able to use my phone and text my friends and family again. I'll be able to see Renegade, the dog who's helped me through the hardest time in my life, for the first time ever. I hear new things every day on my walks with Renegade, but it's a little frightening thinking about the prospect of my upcoming reality. I will be able to see things. I'll know what I look like again. I remember what I look like the day I went blind, and I'm sure I've changed over a ten year span. I can only imagine what Jack looks like, as all I've been able to do is listen to his voice change year by year. I've learned to distinguish his footsteps from others, and I can tell -feel, even- when he walks into a room. I've gotten so good at learning to live without my sight, I think I'm a little afraid of having to re-learn how to see things. I mean, everything I know of by sight has been stuck 10 years in the past for me.

"What am I going to do?" I suddenly blurted out. Jack was sitting on the couch next to me, and I felt his weight shift as he turned to me.

"What do you mean, (Y/N)?" He asked. I had a feeling he had an idea of what I was talking about before I even said it.

"I mean, everything about me is going to be subject to revamping. I'll be able to choose what I wear in under a hour. I can check the time. I'll be able to squint again because the sun is too bright in my eyes. I'll know when people are staring at me. I'll meet Renegade, kind of, for the first time. I'll finally, finally get to see you. What if I'm not ready? What if it's so much different that I can't handle it?" I got all of that out in one breath. Sensing my minor freak out, Ren laid her head in my lap, and I idly stroked her.

"You'll be amazing. I promise. The world has changed a lot since we were 15, but it won't be unrecognizable. Not to mention, you have Renegade, Gizmo and me to help you, every visible step of the way. I will never, ever, leave your side." I heard Jack's arm shift, and I flinched slightly when I felt his pinky finger wrap around mine and squeeze it tightly. "I promise." He said. I laughed, thankful for someone so wonderful in my life.


"Okay okay okay. It's happening. Right... Now." Before I could stop myself from taking the bandage off (for the fourth time), I removed the cloth from my head. I kept my eyes closed, rubbing the skin on my face where the bandage had been. I told Jack to wait in the living room for me, and that I wanted to take them off. He helped me get to the bathroom, and it's surreal to think that, as soon as I open my eyes, I'll be able to help myself get back to him.

I peeked open one eye, almost afraid, but I let it flutter open along with my other eye. My hand flew to my mouth as my eyes adjusted, and I took in my appearance. My (H/C) hair had grown a bit, and I was a good bit taller. Everything about my face looked older, which is so strange to see, even though I'm talking about myself. I craned my neck, looking around to finally see the color of the walls in my house, and the location of everything. I laughed quietly in amazement that I'm finally able to see.

I can see.

"I CAN SEE!" I yelled. I turned to the door, seeing the doorknob and reaching my hand out to turn it. This is the first time I've closed a door in forever; I started leaving them open when I got Renegade. I walked into the hallway, and my eyes were met with the furniture I've never actually seen. Passing all of that by, I got back to the living room and stopped dead in my tracks. In front of me sat the most beautiful sight- two dogs seated next to each other on the floor, and my boyfriend, leaning against the couch. A wave of green hair adorned the top of his head, which well offset the twinkle in his blue eyes I could see from across the room. Even from behind his glasses, I could clearly see his cobalt irises shining in my direction.

"(Y/N)?" He whispered. I ran across the room (something I haven't done in years) and I threw myself on the couch. Jack wrapped his arms around me, hugging me more tightly than I though possible. I felt tears run down my cheeks as I hugged him back. I pulled away from him, smiling through my tears at my new reality. I can look into Jack's eyes like this whenever I want now.

"I love you so much." Jack said.

"I love you more." I replied happily.

"Impossible. I love you the most."

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