03: Don't Cry Over Spilled Tea

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I love Teavana, especially during the winter. Most people like to drink coffee, but I perfer some warm mint tea. I always go in at the same time every day,  order my tea and a blueberry muffin, and sit at the booth in the corner next to one of 3 windows in the store. Not to mention,  there's free WiFi,  so I can take advantage of that. I also come here to avoid my ex-boyfriend,  who refused to leave me alone and never treated me right...

*Jack's POV*
"Just go!" My sister said, pushing me toward the doors of the Teavana.

"REMEMBER,  EARL GREY TEA AND A CROISSANT! AND GET YOURSELF SOMETHING! " She yelled after me. I gave her a thumbs us before tightening my scarf around my neck and walking into the store.  Upon entry, I was hit with a warm blast of air and the scent of baked food. I went up to the line,  ordering my sister's food and grabbing some cookies for myself. Stepping out of line,  though,  I happened to look in the corner of the store.  At the last booth sat the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Her (H/L H/C) hair framed her face perfectly,  and her (E/C) eyes seemed to light up every time she smiled at something on her phone. I was going to approach her when a man walked up to her. She looked up as he spoke, her smile immediately dissapearing. They conversed angrily,  and I watched in horror as he took her tea and threw it at her.  She narrowly dodged being hit by the mug as the man stormed out. I jumped back on the line and ordered,  asking the only woman who was working,

"The girl over there...  What kind of tea did she have?" The woman told me mint,  and I said,

"Can I have a mint tea for her,  please?" With a smile,  the woman gave me the tea and wished me good luck. Walking over to her,  I saw tears forming in her eyes. 

Jacksepticeye ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora