13: Broken Bonds Burn Bridges

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A/N- Just pretend that a bunch of your favorite YouTubers are all in the same place at the same time. Mark(Markiplier), as well as Dan (danisnotonfire)and Phil (amazingphil), are included, because they're some of my favorites. If you don't watch any of them, feel free to alter the name(s) to your liking.

*Your POV*

"(Y/N), I know parties aren't your thing. But we'll make it through, okay? Together." Jack turned to me and smiled lightly. He gave me a quick peck on the cheek, and then rang the doorbell. Even from outside, I could vaguely hear the fast beat of the loud music, and the pace of the beat matched my quickly beating heart. I took a deep breath...

*Flashback, Earlier Today*

"PLEASE? (Y/N), come on! Jack wants you to go, and so do me and Phil! If not for your best friend, do it for your boyfriend." Dan pleaded on the other end of the three-way Skype call. I looked at Jack, and he stared at me through the screen, his blue eyes shimmering. I sighed, and said,

"Fine. But it's your party, Howell, so if anything happens to me, you're going to be the first one I punch." I smiled weakly, only half joking.

"You got it, (Y/N). I swear you'll have fun." Dan said.

*Flashback End*

Taking another deep breath, I looked down, smoothing an imaginary wrinkle in my knee-length (F/C) dress. I adjusted my necklace- the one I always wear that has my initials and Jack's on it- as a nervous habit. I touched the top of my head, smoothing down my fly hairs for the fiftieth time. Sensing how nervous I was, Jack grabbed my hand, and squeezed it tightly.

Now, it's not that I hate parties or anything. I do enjoy being around lots of other people. But the last time I went to a party as large as this one, my dress ended up soaked in sparkling cider and I went home crying. Hopefully, that won't happen tonight.

Just as I was thinking about that lovely memory, Phil flung open the door.

"Jack! (Y/N)!" Phil greeted us each with a hug, and then motioned for us to come inside. Every sense I have is on overload, trying to take in everything before me. I don't think that, outside of panels and conventions, I've ever seen such a large mix of YouTubers and non- YouTubers in the same place. I mean, I was probably only invited because I'm friends with a lot of these guys and girls. However, there is a surprising amount of people that I've never seen before. Just as I was about to say something to Jack, Marzia grabbed my hand, pulling me away. Laughing, I looked back at Jack, who was being pulled away by Mark. We both just laughed and went along with it- and that turned out to be a good idea.

*Time Skip*

I'm actually having a fabulous time! I love hanging out with Marzia, Felix, Dan and a bunch of other people, and we've had plenty of laughs. I'd have to say that this is one of the most fun things I've ever done. The only thing that's bothering me is that a bunch of girls are always surrounding Mark and Jack, but that's to be expected, I guess. There is this one girl, though, this redheaded girl. She's quite pretty and she keeps trying to get close to Jack. I couldn't tell if he actually wanted to talk to her, but he's leaned up against the wall so it's not like he has anywhere else to go. He seems like he doesn't notice her, and that's the way it needs to stay. I guess having a slightly clueless boyfriend has its advantages. Marzia grabbed my hand, and I turned my attention away from Jack and Redhead just in time to hear Felix make a hilarious joke about me. We all burst out laughing, and just to spite Felix, I pushed him for making that joke. He pushed me back, and I over dramatized it, flailing my arms and turning a 180 for effect. Hearing Felix and my friends laughing, I stood up, dusting off my dress and smoothing my hair. As I was about to go over to them, a flash of red caught my eye. I turn my head, and what do I see?

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