17: Precipitation

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I've been sitting on the edge my balcony, trying not to cry for the past 20 minutes. Balanced on the white railing, with my legs swinging over the edge, and my hands gripping the wrought iron ledge. The sky has long since clouded over, but I disregarded it. The air feels heavy with the calm before the storm and the impending sound of thunder. The wind is whipping my hair around, whistling madly and making the fabric of my shirt snap angrily. The whole Earth feels heavy, and everywhere I look I see nothing but a world drained of color.

With the first drop of rain, my tear stained face turns to the sky before the it cracked open and shed tears of its own. The rain pelted against my face, leaving nothing but a stinging sensation and a new path for tears to travel. A flash of lightning struck the earth miles away, and the booming, angry clap of thunder accompanied the lightning. I climb off of the railing and go inside to escape the rain, and I shut the clear glass door behind me before returning to my bed and lying down. I look up at my ceiling, at the blades of my ceiling fan turning lazily. Fresh tears began to fall, and I felt my pillowcase dampen and cave inward under the weight of my head. I looked at my dim phone screen, opening it up to see the text I sent Jack five minutes ago:

Jack, I need you right now
Read 5:48 p.m.

*Jacks POV*

I unlocked the door with the spare keys she gave me, shutting the heavy wooden door behind me and locking it. I ran through the first floor of the house, calling her name even though I knew where she would be. I took the carpeted stairs two at a time, running down the hall past each familiar door until I reached her room. The door was slightly open, and I took that as a timid invitation to enter. I softly opened the door and was appalled to see her lying face up on her bed with tears cascading down either side of her face, her eyes staring at the ceiling without seeming to really see it. I rushed to her side, joining (Y/N) on the bed and softly pulling her into my lap.

"(Y/N), can you please tell me what's wrong?" I asked. A meager,

"No." barely escaped her lips.

"Why can't you tell me why you're crying?" I asked. She waited awhile before responding.

"Because I don't know." Her voice cracked, quiet as it was, and it broke my heart to see her like this. I wish I could do something, but she seems unconvincable right now. And the worst part is, I can't help her as much as I'd like to if she doesn't even know what's wrong.

"Well, it's okay to cry-" I started speaking, but stopped when (Y/N) suddenly wrapped her arms around me. She cried harder, gripping the fabric of my shirt in tight fists. She buried her face in my chest, closing her eyes from the world and sobbing against me. I wrapped my arms around her, and she seemed to relax a miniscule amount.

"Jack, don't leave me." She removed her face from my shirt and looked me straight in the eyes. Her (E/C) eyes were glassy and clouded over with sadness. At first, all I could focus on was her eyes that, behind the tears, looked large and inquisitive. I was taken aback by her request, though. Leave her? Absurd.

"Leave you? (Y/N), never in a million years would I even dream of doing that. I'm right here by your side, whether you like it or not. But I love you, and I'm not leaving. Ever." I said. "Okay?" She took a few seconds before nodding slowly, and I leaned back and beckoned for her to do the same. Still curled up next to me, (Y/N) rested her head against me. I wrapped one arm around her and stroked her hair with the other hand. Every so often, the bed would shake slightly from (Y/N) adjusting her position. I thought about what she'd asked of me, and it made me wonder how long this thought had been swirling around in her head. How often does she feel like I'll leave her? That thought has never even occurred to me. I would never, ever do that. Not once has that even been a thought on my personal horizon.

"(Y/N), what made you think that I was going to leave you? I would never do that." I felt the weight of her head lift from my chest, and I looked at her to find her looking up, but not quite at me.

"I... I don't know. I guess I just realized that you could leave at any point, if you wanted to. And if you did... I honestly don't know if I'd be able to handle it." She laid back down, and I lay back as well, thinking about what she had just said.

*Your POV*

"Well, I can promise you, I'm not going anywhere." Jack said. My mind and my heart were soothed by his words. I knew they were heartfelt; if he said he would never leave me, then he truly never will. I switched my position a little bit, cuddling farther into Jack's side, and I sighed softly. Jack had his arm around me, keeping me close. He kissed the top of my head and then rested his cheek on my hair. It was the most powerful way of letting me know he was there without saying a word aloud. I lay my head down, and I felt his steadfast heartbeat in sync with my own. 

A/N: This imagine has kind of a different vibe to it, a more melancholy mood. But it turned out okay in the end. I hope you enjoyed reading it!


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