19: Playdates

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"You can't escape, (Y/N)!" Jack's 5 year old voice yelled from down the hallway.

"Yes I can!" I yelled back, my little legs going as fast as they possibly could. I ran into the kitchen and around the dining table, Jack still on my tail. This game of hide and go seek turned into tag very, very quickly. 

I bent down in front of a dining chair, hoping Jack wouldn't see me, but no such luck. As soon as he ran into the kitchen, he spotted my temporary hiding spot and ran toward me. But because the table was so big, he ran to one side and I ran around the other, running out of the kitchen in the process. Thinking fast, I went back upstairs(even though stair-climbing takes eons when your legs are small), and I made it up long before Jack did. I found another hiding spot in my room closet, hiding among whatever was on the floor. As I settled in, I wondered where Jack was now. He hadn't seen me go into my room, but he'd end up in here anyway. He came in after about three minutes of looking elsewhere.

"(Y/N), you have to be in here, because you weren't anywhere else!" Jack yelled as he came into my room. I stopped myself from laughing behind my closet doors, because Jack would never find me. Even if he opened my closet door, I'd buried myself under countless books, toys, and playthings for Jack to be able to see me at all. I couldn't even see the closet doors, or anything other then the cover of Goodnight, Moon in my face. As I sat still and silently, I heard him rustle around, probably looking under my bed or under my blankets to see where I was. After a little bit, I heard the closet door open. Even thought I know he couldn't see me, I still held my breath in anticipation for anything. I heard him sigh, and he wondered aloud,

"Where is she?" And left the room. I couldn't help but giggle at the rush of having been so close to being found out. I had evaded tagging, though, and there's no better prize than that. 

After a few more minutes, I faintly heard Jack yell,

"(Y/N)! If you come out so I can see you, I'll let you run before I chase you again!" He sounded like he was downstairs from the distance of his voice, and I assumed it was safe to come out. Ready to play tag again, I climbed out of the closet and went through the arduous process of going down the stairs again. As I cleared the last step, Jack appeared in front of me, screeching in delight.

"HA! I found you!" He said, running toward me. I yelled in surprise and ran back down and into the living room. Jack cornered me around the couch, him standing at one armrest and me standing next to the other. We stood and stared at each other for maybe ten seconds before Jack started toward me again, making me run away as usual. He chased me behind the couch, where there was nowhere to run but into a wall. He stopped, trapping me so I had nowhere to go.

"I've got you now (Y/N)!" He said, grinning as nefariously as he could. He crept toward me, but I refused to go down. Before he could even blink, I turned toward the back of the couch and scrambled up it, climbing over and falling slowly. I land upright on the couch cushion, bouncing softly from the couch to the carpet below. I sat in the place I had so perfectly landed, staring out in shock at my backyard through the glass door in front of me. Jack came out from behind the couch still smiling, and saw me looking out. He sat down right beside me, our hand both behind us to keep us upright. We both looked out at the sunshine, and without thinking anything of it, I rested my head on Jack's shoulder. He leaned his head lightly atop mine, and we stayed like that until his mom came to pick him up.


We sat in the same position now; our hands behind our back to support us, Jack right beside me. I remember that day like it was yesterday, and rightly so- this is a deja vu moment if nothing else. Who would have thought that, twenty years later, we'd be sat in the same place, my head on his shoulder, and his head gently resting on mine. Jack and I looked out at our own backyard now, a vast expanse of green, through our own glass door. Now the house was ours and we're all grown up. The sun shone brightly as it moved in the sky, and a ray of sunshine fell through the window. It illuminated the cut diamond that resided on a golden band on my left ring finger, and I couldn't help but look at my hand and smile. It's been so many years since that play-date, and it feels like we've been married for just as many years, though it's only been two. Jack absentmindedly placed a hand over my stomach and gently pressed. I felt two little kicks, and Jack felt them too; he left his hand where it was but looked over at me with elation in his bright blue eyes. I smiled back, just as I did every single time he did that with me- and with our twins. Soon, we will have two little ones running around our house, just as we used to run around in mine.

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