Shizzle #1 | School

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Waking up at 5 am.
Listening to teachers drone on about
things we already went through.
Then the same teachers haunt you
through the day.
And then, when recess finally arrives, It leaves too soon.

Another 3 hours to go.

Then there's assembly where the Planning is stupid.
They put us at the back
They have a lousy system
And when whatever's going on starts,
And we get noisy because we can't hear a thing,
They say "have some discipline young ladies!"
And we feel like bashing them up
Tragically, we can't
So we have to shut up

Then there's CCE
Oh god help me
Ducky waddles in and sets down her computer
We are probably just going to squash a few more clay tomatoes
Just to learn something related to "leadership"
Then, lo and behold
Ducky decides to convert CCE to Social Studies!
Oh stupid Ducky
"Hey Seraph, come in front"
She sits with me and we make fun of "Ang-Moh Guy"
Ang-Moh guy can't do anything in the documentary
Hire another person would you?

Then there's Mothertounge.
Oh where do I start?
Stupid Teacher thinks we listen
Stupid Teacher thinks we care
Stupid Teacher thinks we will stop speaking English in Malay
Well, she is stupid.

The bell!
Where have you been my beloved?
The one who sets me free from this hell!
Oh let's fly away!
Back home!

I plonk myself on the school bus
I start to feel sick
The smell of Corntos, yuck
Stupid P2s in the bus
Keeps on dropping here and there
Come on, we just got rid of the cockroaches

As I approach home, relief falls upon me
I'm free!
Wait a second
I've got a pile of homework
5cm thick!
Oh dear help me
I just want some sleep

9 o'clock.

Homework? Check
School bag? Check
Everything you could possibly need?
Check, check and done.

As I lay in bed,
I fall sleep even before my head touches my pillow.
Stupid school.

End of day 1, Monday

4 days to go

2 day break.


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