Shizzle #10 | Betrayal

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Her silent cries
Fill her empty mind
And her pretty smile
Doesn't meet her lonely eyes

Same hopeless eyes
Watch the severed bond
Her closest confidantes
Laughing with the knife

Their once unbreakable bond
Broken now by the whispers
Of the ill-wished betrayer
The devil hidden in her eyes

She had once told them
Not to abandon her
Not to leave her alone with her thoughts
For they would consume her

Maybe they had thought it was all fun and games
That it wasn't true
But she had said it in all seriousness
Hoping that they fathomed it too

Since that day she realised
She could not be dependant on others
The only constant companion would be
Her soul and silence

And so in stillness, she found peace
Not the peals of laughter of her friends
In loneliness, she found company
She would never be lonely once more

Her soul became her confidante
No other could replace the role
For if you are alone,
You will never be betrayed

Author's note:

Hey ya'll! Sorry for not updating in like FOREVER. Sorry for a short one too!! Just a little poem that I wrote in school. Sorry for the cringiness!!! 🙇🙇🙇 I think Imma just stick to creative writing because its better for me :P

~ PrincessTCO

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