Shizzle #3 | Food

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Our reason for life
Our reason of life
Our life

Not only keeping us alive
But helps us thrive
Not only represantitive of a culture
But brings cultures together

Is our heritage
Is our story
Is our way of life

May come in simple names
May come in difficult names
But all food have 1 common goal
To keep us alive,
Physically and mentally

Made us what we are
Water was the start of mankind
Bread was the start of civilisation
And history has shown that food
Is definately of utmost importance

Marks the milestones in one's life
Weddings, there are buffet spreads.
Child's birthday, we have cake.
Loss of a loved one, small dinner gatherings.
And the cycle continues.

Encourages us to move on
To envision
To innovate
To create

Is about the past
The present
The future

Author's note:
Hi everyone!! I promised myself I would finish this by 6:10 and I am writing this author's note at 6:10 sharp! Anyway, how was it? Did you like it?? Don't be a ghost reader! By the way, as I said in the intro, this is like a babble-and-speak thing so I don't read over my shizzles.

Anyway, since I'm in a good mood, some shoutouts.

pastel_dream13 for making my cover and bearing with my weirdness and whims.

Phyllis_f13 and AyushiPandey for supporting my dear friend Kelly and me!

xanderwrites for lovely stories and writing in the style that I love!!

And all my friends and followers and supporters that will take ages to list!

Until the next shizzle,
This has been the one and only,

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