Shizzle #12 | Flower Vase

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There was a flower vase here
Its glass glinting
In the midday sun
Holding blooming lilies

It stood peacefully
In the day
Reassuring and

Its beauty
Hidden in its innocence
It framed the lilies
Bursting towards the sky

It was unaware
Of the pain
The suffering
We went through

Til one day
The innocent flower vase
Was hurt
And then it knew

It knew of the tears
Of the screaming
Of the fear
Of the cries for help

The vase laid there
Its shards glinting
In the moonlight
Wilting lilies chucked aside

The glint of the shards
Like the glint of the tears
In her eyes
In the shards of the bottle

The shards were discarded
The coaster had been kept
The fear lingering in the air
Tear stains still on the kitchen floor

The screams had halted
The tears had dried
Yet the scars,
They would never heal

The empty table
The stained floor
The silent house
There was a flower vase here

Author's note:
Heylo everyoneee!!! I haven't updated for so long sjsjsjsjsjsjjs. Anyway, here's a poem I had inspiration to write when my dad was clearing the table because he said "there was a flower vase here where did it go" and I was like, hey I can use that. So I hoped you liked it!!! It's unedited and I haven't learned Poetry in school so it might not be good but... I tried.

~ PrincessTCO

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