Shizzle #6 | Fragility

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The fragility of life
Is still unknown to many people
However it is still forever present
Like a glass vase, waiting to fall

Life is fragile
Never think that it's forever
Everything is temporary
Nothing's here to stay
Everything can just fade away

Your friendship
Your money
Your family
Could all go away
At the simple clap of God

So what you build in this life
Shouldn't be your property
Shouldn't be your money
Shouldn't be your impressive car or house

It should be your character
It should be your values
It should be your morals
These are what will help you
In this life and the next

Whether people trust you
Whether people know you to be a great person
Whether people know you speak the truth
These are signs of who you are

So if you are not someone
Known to be all of the above
Better start changing your values
And what you do

Because all of this
Could be gone in an instant
Be lucky your still breathing
Be lucky you still have everything
Because in the time you took to read this
It might have been too late for someone else

Author's note:

Thank you for reading this shizzle! This shizzle was a very religious so I am very very very very very very very sorry if I offended anyone. I think I personally Shizzle better on sensitive issues and emotions so comment more of these below! I will still do some more of the normal stuff but only 3-4. Also, I entered this book into a competition so can we get the votes up? Thank you so much!!

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