Shizzle #7 | Sister

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5 years ago, when it all started
The little girl was so excited
The thought of having someone she was responsible for
Seemed so rosy 
The thought of being able to teach and take pride of someone
Oh how good it felt to her

A little 5-year-old girl
Clinging excitedly to her father at Thomson Medical Hospital
And, of course, buying a pancake from Mr. Bean in order to contain her excitement
Waiting excitedly in the lounge
Holding her card so tightly it creased
Gobbling up the chocolate pancake all too soon
Until she finally was let in

Lo and behold,
A smaller little girl in a crib
Wrapped in a pink cloth
Her mother in the bed
The little girl shoved the card in her mother's face
And hobbled excitedly to the little glass crib
Being so close to such a fragile little thing
Made the little girl so cautious, so aware
Washing her hands and putting on on the hand sanitizer,
She stroked the top of her sister's hair.
And being the little girl she was,
She whispered "I'll teach you ballet!"

Unfortunately, the younger one did not want to learn ballet
However, those two had a special bond
The younger one took pride of her sister
And the elder took care of her like no one else
One could not be without the other
And there could be no pair that was closer

Of course, every now and then,
There would be hurtful words thrown about
"I hate you!"
"I wish you were never born!"
"You are the worst!"
And without a second to spare,
They would regret it
Because however angry they were at each other,
They were sisters
And sisters could not hate each other
No matter how annoying the younger one,
No matter how selfish the elder,
They would love each other
They would cherish each other
They would never be the same without the other

They would hug and apologise
Do something together
Laugh together
They would do anything under the sun
As long as they did it together
Because that was how siblings were meant to be
And when everyone in the world turns against you,
When your closest friends have betrayed you,
Your sibling will be there
They will be there to hold you
They will be your shoulder to cry on
And you will be the one who plots revenge with them

That little girl and her sister
Made their family happier
They were two inseperable people
The younger one always beaming at the sight of her sister,
Even if her sister prevented her from getting cake,
And the elder always having her sister under her arm,
Even if her sister embarrassed her in front of her friends
They were lucky to have each other
I was lucky to have her

I was the little 5-year-old girl who wanted to teach her sister ballet
I was the one who would plot with my sister
I was the one who prevented my sister from getting cake, and promised to get her a small cake
And on 13 September 2010,
I was the luckiest 5-year-old girl in the world

Author's note:
This has been the longest shizzle at 533 words! This was really touching to write and I hope you guys enjoyed it!

Some shoutouts to AMAZING people:


And all my lovely lovely followers!

Until next time,
This has been the one and only,

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