entry 13 | cosmos

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he is the epitome of candid beauty.

he sits in the moonlight. his black hair falling slightly on his forehead. leg propped up, staring wistfully out the window. the soft wind blows the curtain towards him such that is lightly caresses his face. it forms a veil over him, maybe shielding the world from this ethereal beauty, for the world would not be able to handle it. he is like a prince in the silver moonlight, his pale skin seemingly. glowing. he makes the stars look like his minions and the moon his slave.

for he is the cosmos. his eyes are the milky way, bright and knowing. his dimples are black holes for you could never tear yourself away from them. his gaze is a meteor slicing through the night sky, beautiful and chilling. his smile is the sun, though the heat of the burning ball of fire could never compare to the warmth of his upturned lips.

he basks in his cosmic beauty.

and i? i am an astronaut, trying to explore this galaxy. i've set out trying to conquer it like it is my own little territory, thinking that i could ever adequately cover something as beautiful as this.

station control, i've set off.

i venture further. dots of bright balls of burning flame flash by, and they reflect in my eyes. i am captivated by it's majestic beauty, it's mystique and it's realness flurried together.

i must have hit something, somewhere. i don't know what it was. it could have been a meteor or close proximity to a black hole, but i start falling. falling, falling, falling. it's some cruel irony, i guess. i fall, and the sun's in the corner of my eye.

station control, there's been an emergency.

i'm trapped in my own thoughts. i try to escape and i block everything out, to try and save myself and focus- no. i can't. i'm falling. i can't stop it. there's nothing within my ability that can be done to stop it. a cry escapes my lips. the galaxy's too powerful. it envelopes me, surrounding me with darkness, as the stars dim and i spiral out of control. silent cries and broken hearts and hurt and pain, this is the end.

station control, i'm going down.

author's note:

hellooooo!!! after like 2 people commented that they want me to post these (and threatening from my best friend cough cough), here it is! i'm actually kinda proud of this? it's something i wrote to get my feelings out about- wait my dad follows me nevermind.
this is probably one of the best things i've written?? i've gone back to edit it so many times becausr i really really liked this piece. i hope you enjoyed it as much as i loved writing it!!

lots of love,

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