Shizzle #9 | Okay

63 10 5

I'm okay
If you mean getting only 73%
On a test that I worked really hard on
And expecting at least 75% but falling 2% short
And knowing that you have nothing else to pull your grade up
I'm okay

I'm okay
If you mean getting only 68% on an exam that I have constantly been failing at
And seeing everyone else get high marks
And the disappointment of knowing that I can't make it
I'm okay

I've had a really bad day
And I have flunked all my tests
And where I'm from,
A pass is never enough
70% is acceptable
80% is expected
90% is well done
And 95% is celebrated

Its these kind of tests
That make me feel like a failure
That make me feel inadequate
That make me feel like giving up

And when I'm hurting inside
And I just feel like crying
I can't
I'm in public
And when someone asks me if I'm alright
I just have to say
I'm okay

So many people expecting
So much out of me
How am I going to tell my parents?
How am I going to keep up my reputation?
How do I pick myself up?

My day sucked
And I hope tomorrow's better
But I'm okay

Author's note:
Hey everyone!

This shizzle is a true story and I have to give the credit to @poonana1 for giving me the idea.
Anyway here's a quote:
"A king is worshipped in his kingdom, but a scholar is worshipped everywhere"

Until next time,
This has been the one and only,

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