Shizzle #8 | Animals

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Having to depend on movement for survival
And then being caught and having your only part that helps you move,
Being chopped off for someone else's enjoyment
Knowing you'll be devoured only because of the splendour of it
And then being tossed back, unprotected and vulnerable
And dying not because of blood loss,
But of suffocation
And knowing you'll just sink and be left there to die
This nightmare is reality
For millions of sharks around the world

Your home
Crumbling in front of your eyes
Every bit of it melting away
Being forced out of whatever little piece you cand find
And knowing that someone is doing this to you
Someone is careless enough to melt your home
Someone, who was your only saviour, was now your killer
This nightmare is reality
For thousands of Polar Bears

Your home around you
Changing drastically
Its getting hotter and hotter
Until most of your kind can't stand it
The one who you grew up with are gone
Every day there are more and more deaths
Until one day,
It's all gone
Their all gone
This nightmare is reality
For thousands if schooling fishes

Just minding your business
Just going around
Until caught in a trap that was meant foe something else
Struggling and struggling
Until one piece scratches you and tears off a piece of you
It leaves a scar there that will stay there forever
If you are lucky enough to escape
This nightmare is reality
For hundreds of dolphins, whale sharks and orcas

Our sharks are dying
Our ice caps are melting
Our seas are heating up
Our food is no longer safe

We have to do something
For if we do not,
Imagine the fate of these animals
The sharks will become extinct
The polar bears will drown
Our schools of fish will turn into mere fishes
And we can say goodbye to our talented dolphins

Cold is no longer cold
Hot is getting hotter
Safe is no longer safe
Their lives are in danger

Author's note:
Hope you all learnt a lesson from this Shizzle. As some of you may know, I love animals and I want to do anything I can to help them, and my sister lives sharks and may want to be an aquarist one day. So, after my visit to the S.E.A Aquarium yesterday, I told my sister about these sharks and I thought of the last para and I was like "Dang, I have to make a Shizzle" so voila!

BTW, I cracked my phone screen 😣😣😣

This has been the one and only,

Shizzled UpOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora