Shizzle #4 | Inferiority

125 20 14

2,00 reads
400 votes
Perfect talent
That's you

Merely scraping by a thousand reads
Around 40 votes
Sucky writing
That what I do

I get it
Your better at this
You can get 2K reads easily
People follow you because of your talent
And I can't get that

I get it
Your writing stands out
Its original
But mine is just plain boring

I get it
You are pressured and that's why you write so well
You have influence for your writing
Well, I don't
I'm expected to be the influence

I get it
You guys are talented
I'm just not
You guys can do things well, not just writing
I can't
You will get praising for reaching that high beam
I won't
Because I can't
Because I'm just not talented

Set by my parents
Raised far too high
When I study, they say I can't just be academic-smart
When I walk to the kitchen to get a snack, they expect me to study instead
Then, when there's something to do, they say "you can't just leave it there, where is your brain?"

It doesn't just stop there
They are expecting me to go to Cambridge
In 5 years
Expect me to get Band 1
On every paper

I'm inferior
And I know people will come telling me
"Believe in yourself"
But the truth is
I can't
And I won't
Because I'm just not capable of that

I'm inferior
I'm not good enough
Look left, you have a prefect who has never gotten in to trouble
Look right, I see a person who is extremely nice and likeable
Go home, I have my ever so perfect sister waiting at the Childcare Centre
On the way to school, you have a talented writer sitting next to me

I thought I was good
I thought I was capable
I thought that I was in the top band
But that was in the past

I can't stand this
Everyone seems to believe it
So in turn, I do too
My parents
Think I'm not independant
My friends
Don't think I'm capable
But it hurts the most
When it comes from your best friend
The one whom you put faith in
Yet she said "you shouldn't have trusted me anyway"
But she is the one who can make you smile
But turn that into pain in an instant

It hurts
And I don't want to cry myself to sleep
Because everyone lies
But I've had enough of these lies
My parents say every tear I shed kills them
So quit hurting yourself

I'm expected to be the happy and cheerful one
Because that's the only thing I'm good at
But what happens when the happy one
Cries herself to sleep?

I'm inferior
I know it
I acknowledge it
I believe it

Author's note:
Hi everyone! So sorry I didn't follow the request list or update... this was just how I was feeling this morning so I had to pen it down. Hope you enjoy it!!

This has been the one and only,

P.S. try and guess the references in the comments below and I'll give a shoutout to you!

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