Chapter 12 - It's My Business

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Songs for this chapter:

 Demons by Imagine Dragons


Zoe's POV:

I ran, I don't know why but I did. It wasn't because I was scared of Niall, I was scared of what he would do to me. I don't think he would physically hurt me but emotionally. I guess I was just running from my problem. Niall was my problem. But I ran, with my psychology book in hand I headed back to the dorm. I look behind my back and see Niall chasing after me, shit he's fast. I turn the corner and see that I'm just across the street from the university. I push myself to move faster, but by now I could hear the footsteps behind me.

I felt arms around my waist and a pull, I'm pushed around and against the brick wall of a building. "Gotcha."

I look up at Niall, the street light allowed me to see face but the rest was just a silhouette. He looked down at me, his blue eyes piercing into my soul, and that smirk. I just want to wipe it off his face right now. I gulp the lump that formed in my throat and looked down.

"Why were on Willow Street?" he asked, looking more serious.

I look up at him, "Technically I was on Orchard Street, across from Willow." I correct him. Bad choice.

"God Zoe, what were you doing?" he backed away running his fingers through his hair. "Wait, were you spying on me?" he asked starting to get angry.

"No, no, no Ni. I was going to get a book for my psychology class." I tell him waving my book in font of him. His mouth formed a perfect 'o' then he smirked.

"Ni huh?" In one swift move he came closer to me, out bodies touching. I blush at the contact, he was looking right down at me. His eyes bright blue, they reminded me of a blue baby blanket you would put around a baby. His lips were a flush pink that looked soft to the touch, I wanted to feel them for myself.

Wait, no you don't. Shut the fuck of Zoella! I tell myself. Then I realized that I was mad at him. He was doing something illegal and he accused me of being something I wasn't. I push him back and scowl him.

"Don't do that, I'm mad at you." I say crossing my arms and pouting like a child.

"Aww come on Zo I'm sorry, it was wrong for me to say those things to you I was just angry." Niall says coming closer again and putting his arms around my waist. A shock of electricity shot through me as he did this. The shock turned into a warm sensation that made me feel weird.

"Why were you racing Niall?" I ask looking up at him, he paused for a moment before answering.

"Because it's my business." He said. I didn't understand till it hit me straight in the gut. He is in the gang that started the street racing on Willow.

"Come on lets go to your dorm, I'll explain there." I nod my head and walk with him. I have to know what is going on, I hate that I'm so god damn curious but I just need to know.


I close the door to my dorm room and drop my backpack and book down by my bed. I walk into my closet and grab my black, PINK yoga pants and my PINK knit sweater. I go in the bathroom and change into the comfortable clothes then put my hair in a messy bun. I walk out of the bathroom and sit down on my bed. Niall was on Bentley's bed looking at me in awe.

"What?" I ask confused.

"What, oh nothin'." he shakes his head and looks back at me.

"So why do you race?" I ask, getting straight to the point.

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