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Zoe's POV:

The bright lights were moving fast above me as I was rushed down to the delivery room. I didn't know what was going to happen, if it was going to be painful, if I was going to see my baby. All I remember is seeing blood on the floor below me. I had to move back because my swollen belly was in the way. I screamed for Niall, my now husband. He rushed to me and looked down at the blood, saying we needed to get to the hospital.

So here I am now in the delivery room, Niall is on my left as a nurse is on my right trying to come me down. Of course I was panicking, the nurses were saying different things to the doctor so fast it sounded like nonsense. I look at Niall to see him already looking at me, he was given a scrub apron, shoe cover ups, and a cover for his hair. He still looked handsome as ever though. He have me a smile and squeezed my hand.

"Everything is going to be okay baby." I nod and keep my eyes on him even though I can hear the doctor tell me things.

"Okay Zoe, we are going to need you to push." I nod and try my best to push. The pain was unbearable, I didn't know if I was doing it right or not but I did everything in my power to get the baby out.

"Your doing great baby." Niall kisses my sweaty head, he keeps his hand locked with mine through out the whole thing. I was in labor for another thirty minutes to an hour before I hear the loud crying of our baby. Niall leaves my side when the doctor asks him to cut the umbilical cord. The nurse beside me tells me it's a girl which we knew before hand. Another nurse cleans out baby up then hands to Niall. It was the most beautiful thing ever, seeing him with our child. He looked down at our girl with the biggest smile on his face. It made me smile seeing them together. Niall smiles at me and that is the last thing I remember before falling asleep.


"Zoe?" I hear Niall's voice, I open my eyes to see that we were in a patient room. I look at Niall, he smiled and leaned over to kiss me. I see that he's not with our baby and start to panic.

"Before you start panicking, she's right here." He picks her up from her hospital cradle and hands her to me. She was swaddled in a pink blanket and cap. Her eyes were closed peacefully, I rub my finger against her crimson cheek; she was beautiful. Her eyes open slowly, her eyes were so big and blue just like her daddy's. Her hair was dark brown like me, she was the perfect mesh of Niall and I.

"Hi Brooklyn." I say softly, we decided to name her Brooklyn thinking it was the perfect name. We hear a small knock at the door. Niall walks over to open the door. First comes in Louis and Liam, they had balloons in the shape of hearts saying 'It's a girl' on them. I smiled at them giving them a small wave. They smiled at Brooklyn giving her little waves even though she couldn't wave back. Harry came in next with the biggest teddy bear I have ever seen. I stifle a laugh not wanting to disturb the baby. He dropped the teddy bear on the ground and made a surprised face at Brooklyn. She make a little smile and wiggled in her blanket. I hear small voices coming from the door. I turn my head and see Bentley and Zayn holding their four year old twins Jasper and Cole. They were the most adorable thing ever. Bentley smiles and says 'hi' to me holding Jasper in her hand. He had cut her hair and dyed it back to her original blonde color.

Everything was perfect, everything.


Hi everyone, so this is the last chapter of KMUTS. I'm sorry if any of you are angry by this. I just needed to end it because I was running out o ideas. I'm not planning on making a sequel, I'm actually writing a new book, Addiction. It's up and I'm working on it and it's really different from any other story I've done. I had different people liking my three stories and I didn't know what to pick so I trashed my three stories and make a new one. So if you want to read more of my stories please check out my profile for when my new story Addiction is up.

Picture of Jasper, Cole, and Brooklyn above (or on side)

Love you guys, Sierra Boo x. 

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