Chapter 15 - Green Apple

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Songs for this chapter:

Drunk by Ed Sheeran (btw this is my favorite Ed Sheeran song!)

Death Valley by Fall Out Boy


Zoe's POV:

There Bentley sat with her hands over her eyes as soft sobs left her lips. Her lavender/pink hair messy and everywhere like she had been pulling at it for hours. The sound of the door shutting made her head pop up swiftly.

"Oh, hey Zo where have you been? " her voice was shaking and she was trying to fix her appearance so it didn't look like she had been crying. I set my phone and wet bracelet on my night stand and I walk over to get a pair of pajamas that weren't wet.

" I was with Niall, he kidnapped me and took me to Taney Lake. " I tell her, a smile etching onto my face. I quickly put on my pajamas and walk over to sit next to my friend on her bed. A smirk came across her damp face as she heard what I said.

"Is someone being a naughty girl?" her voice leaking teasingly. I roll my eyes but feel the heat rising up my neck. I slap her in the arm playfully and lay my back against the wall. 

"We didn't do anything bad well except for swimming in a private lake but that's it." I laugh at the memory of when Niall told the police officer the horrible lie.

"So you looked upset when I came in, what's wrong?" I ask moving forward and sitting in front of her. I examine her facial features again, her eyes were puffy and red and her eyelashes were coated with wet tears. Her expressing drops and she looks down at her hands.

"Zayn and I got into a fight." she said just above a whisper, I had to strain my ears to hear it. I felt pity on her and reached over to give her a hug. She wrapped her arms around my torso and hid her face in the crook of my neck like a small child would do. She started to sob loudly but it was muffed by my neck, I rub her back to help her regain her normal state. I try to sooth her by making 'shh' noises and finally her sobs got quieter and she was able to pull away from me and look up at me. Bentley sniffled and rubbed her palms over her eyes making her makeup a bit smudged.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I ask softly looking back at her, she nodded her head but looked over at her cupboard before I could ask her anything else she crawled over to the cupboard and grabbed a tall, clear bottle out. The bottle was clear glass but had a green label on it, the liquid was clear. She came closer to me with the bottle in her right hand, she sat down and popped the cap off. Bentley took a swig of the liquid then gestured it to me.

"Want some?" she asked, I look at her then the Smirnoff vodka bottle. I guess one drink wouldn't hurt, I take the bottle from her and take a swig of it myself. The liquor burned down my throat but the delicious green apple flavor balanced it out.  I hand the bottle back to Bentley and she takes another drink before speaking.

"Zayn has been so tense lately like he will barley talk to me or even look at me, its like he doesn't even know me." her face showed anger, sadness, and abandonment; she took another rather large sip of the vodka before continuing.

"I went off on him today thinking he was cheating on me." she pauses for a moment, tears starting to brim in her eyes. A single tear falls down from her left cheek she just lets it fall as she takes another swig from the antidepressant liquid.

"Is he?" I ask hoping to God that he wasn't, it would be heart breaking to see them separated it was like they were soul mates. Bentley just shrugged.

"I don't know but that's all I can come up with by the way he is acting around me." she reasoned taking another sip. ''Did Niall tell you about what they do?" she asks me looking at me. I nod my head answering her question and wanting her to continue.

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