Chapter 19 - AB Negitive

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Songs for this Chapter-

Time for Miracles by Adam Lambert (This song expresses Zayn and Bentley's relationship)


Zoe's POV:

"Zayn is in the hospital." Harry said in a quick rant, I look at him in shock. I'm surprised that Zayn is in the hospital but I guess that's what happens when you race. I wonder how his is feeling right now, what the hell Zoe he is in the hospital of course he feels like hell.

"What! What happened?" Niall gets up from his seat and rushes over to them, I get up from my seat and walk over to them as well.

"So Zayn won the race and I guess Alex got pissed off and just shot him." Louis says grabbing some things from the living room that looked like Bentley's. Oh my god, I wonder how Bentley is right now well if she knows.

"I'm going to kill that bastard, no one messes with my friends." Niall looks like steam could come out of his ears by now. I run over to my duffle bag and replace my hoddie with a V-neck shirt and slip on some TOMS I brought. Niall is already putting his shoes on and grabbing the shirt he was wearing earlier when I came back over to them ready to go.

"Hey you dyed your hair." Louis smiles playing with the little ends of Niall's hair, it was quite funny to watch. Niall slaps this hand way while Louis playfully pouts. Niall tells us to head out so we all exit the flat and we take Harry's Audi. I sit in the back with Louis on the way there, Niall and Harry were to busy talking about the race to notice Louis making funny faces. I giggle at the goofy faces, I think he was trying to distract me from the whole commotion going on. We finally park in the hospital parking lot and we all basically sprint to the entrance doors. I'm in the lead being in track for four years, I reach the front desk. A nurse secretary was taken back by me almost running into the desk from my running. She was in a ugly blue uniform with her hair up in a slick ponytail.

"We need to see a patient." I say once the boys catch up to me and are on my sides looking down at the woman. I lady purses her lips and looks at her computer.

"Name please." she asks blankly.

"Zayn Malik." Niall tells the lady, she nods and moves her spider like fingers against the keyboard. I tap my fingers on the top of the counter impatiently. Finally she lifts her head from the screen to look at us.

"Mr. Malik is under serious condition in the OR at the moment, there is a waiting room for family with people in the OR down the hall and to the left in the west wing." she informs us, I bob my head up and down and tell her thank you before speed walking down the west wing and down the hall like we were informed. The boys follow and we make a left and open the door to the waiting room. When we walk in no one is in there except Bentley and Liam. Bentley is crying on Liam's shoulder while he is comforting her. She looks up and lunges at me.

"Oh my gosh your here, thank you for coming." She hugs my and pulls back to rub the running mascara off her red cheeks.

"Of course I would come." I tell her before sitting down in the seat next to her. Harry takes a seat on my left and Louis next to him, Bentley goes back to crying on Liam but a lot softer then before and Niall is pacing back and forth against the white tiles. I hear the whispering of Liam telling Bentley ''its going to be okay'' and the tapping of Harry's heel hit the floor as he shakes his leg. I put my hand on his knee and look up at him.

"It's going to okay Harry." I tell him, he looks at me with glossy eyes. These boys really care about each other. He nods and rests his head on my tiny shoulder and I let him.

"I can't believe that son of a bitch did this." Niall mumbled to himself, he was talking about Alex the man I remember seeing that night when Niall was racing. From what Niall has told me Alex and his 'gang' want the 'leadership' or to basically run the races on Willow Street.

"What are we going to do about Alex?" Louis asks making Niall stop and think about the question. Niall glances at me then at Louis and gave him a look that said "I don't want Zoe to know about it."  That irritated me deep down, I wanted to know what they were going to do. I still wonder why they trust me with their secret, I mean I could go to the police about this about them. But even I know I wouldn't report them, I'm there friend?

"We will talk about that later, lets just worry about Zayn right now. " Niall lets out a sigh and sits in the row of uncomfortable chairs across from us.

I look down the hall and see a tall man with ugly blue scrubs like the secretary but he had a long white jacket covering most of it. His outfit resembled my parents' uniforms so I knew he was a doctor.  He came closer to the  waiting room till he stood right in front of us. I nudged Harry and pointed to the doctor to tell him the doctor was here. We all were alert and looked at the doctor for any results.

"Hello I'm Dr. Reese and I'm the lead doctor in Mr. Malik's operation, we have him stable at the moment but we need to start operating." he informs us.

"Why aren't you operating now then?" Bentley snaps at him, he is taken back but holds his stance.

"Well Mr. Malik has a rare blood type that we don't have enough of to perform the operation, he has a blood type called AB negative, only 1% of the population has. Now family members have a higher possibility of having the same blood type, does Mr. Malik have any family members?" Dr. Reese asks.

"No." All the boys and Bentley say well it was more of a shout once Dr. Reese asks the question, did Zayn have problems with his family?

"All right then, the only other option is to check all of your blood types and hope that one of you can match his." The doctor tells us, there has to be a miracle right now. Zayn might not make it, what would happen to the boys? To Bentley? She would be devastated.

"We will do it, what ever it takes." Liam answers for all of us, the doctor nods and tells a nurse to take our blood samples. A nurse comes in shortly with a needles and vials, she comes over to Louis first and takes his blood sample. Then she walks over to Niall and takes his and then comes over to Harry, once she is done with his she comes over to me. I have always been scared of blood, yeah I know what your thinking. Your parents are freakin' doctors and you are scared of blood at the age of 19. Its not the needles its the blood that I can't take, it makes me want to faint. I feel the cold cloth of the alcohol swab then the tight rubber of the band they put around your arm. I squeeze my eyes shut and wait for the needle to go in. I feel the little stab and just wait for the blood to be injected out. The nurse says that she is done with me and I let out a sigh, wow that was embarrassing. The nurse takes Bentley's and Liam's blood before walking down the hall that said Laboratory. I just hope that Zayn will be okay.


Hey guys,  so this was like a filler I know. So who do you think will have the same blood type?

Vote & Comment please!

P.S. If I get enough votes I might do another update, just saying.......

Love you guys,

Sierra Boo x.

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