Chapter 25 - Wild Night

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Songs for this chapter:

Lost In Stereo by All Time Low

Zoe's POV:

"I think we need a few drinks. " Niall suggested, that wouldn't be too bad. Today has been too stressful, we need this. I nod to him, eager to put an end to my sudden nerves. Ni takes us back to the hotel so we could change into different clothes, I don't know why he wanted us to I mean we could of gone to a club like this but he didn't answer. I lay my head on the cool window and think things through. Did my mum really mean what she said? Of course she did, she always sticks to her word. Will I see dad again? Should I call him 'Dad'? He isn't my dad, well he is but not biological. Who is my real father? I really wanted to know this, any child would want to. My thoughts were cleared from me when I feel Niall tell me we were here. We get out of the car and take the elevator up, it was quiet on the way up. The elevator finally dinged and we walked out and went to our room. Niall ran passed me and opened up the closet to get something from the top shelf. I crease my eyebrows in confusion, what the hell is he getting down from the top shelf? He reveals a black, shinny bag from behind his back. 

"So when we were at that mall yesterday and you were trying on clothes and shit, I went out and picked you something and I want you to wear it tonight." A smirk played on his face as he handed the light weight bad to me. I give him a confused look but smile, he didn't have to buy something for me. "Now go into the bathroom and change I wanna see you in it." He says basically pushing me into the bathroom. God I hope it isn't just lingerie or a dress that barley covers my bum. I hesitantly take out the tissue paper and take out the first piece of clothing. It was a black, studded vest, it was motor jacket style where the zipper was off to the side. I take out another piece but this time it felt more firm and there were two of them. I end up pulling out a pair of hot pink high tops that had matching laces intertwined in each lace hole, they were so cute. I sit them down on the counter next to the vest and reach in the bag for something else. I pull out something that felt like denim, they were high waist shorts that were dyed in different colors; the top hem was neon yellow, green, next was blue, than purple, and finally hot pink at the bottom hems. They were tattered and had studs on one of the pockets. They were so colorful and vivid, I lay them on top of the vest and grab the last mystery idem. It was very light and felt odd, I pull it from the bag. It was a neon yellow, studded bra. The color was the same color as the top of the shorts and the side straps that hooked up in the back was lace. The studs were threaded on the top of the bra and they matched the studs on the shorts. Niall was wanting me to wear this, the thought of it made me blush. 

(Picture of outfit on the side!)

"Niall are you sure about this?" I ask hesitantly through the door. I brought my bottom lip between my lips, I never wear stuff like this.

"Yes put it on or I'm coming in there to put it on you." I could just picture his mischievous smirk now. I roll my eyes and dress into the outfit putting on the shorts first then the bra, vest, then the high tops. I grab a few black, studded bracelets I brought with me and I re-apply some new make up and fix my  hair a little bit. I slowly open the door and walk out, Niall was in one of the chairs wait rather impatiently, his leg was shaking and he was biting his nails. He eyes finally locked in my direction, his eyes went wide and I think I say his jaw drop a bit.

"You look incredible." He said standing up and looking down at me, I blush at his comment.

"Thanks, we should go now." I say grabbing my phone, Ni nodded and we walked down to the elevator and to the car. Niall dives us to the closest club in town which happened to be the Toxic Rain night club. I had never been cause well I'm not old enough and I'm still not old enough but I knew many of my high school class mates went here because the bouncers let in any girl who looked hot. We park in the parking lot and get out of the car. Niall put his arm around my waist as we walked up to the entrance. There was a line of people, girls with too much makeup and chubby guys. The bouncer rolled his eyes which landed on me. He ranked his eyes up and down me making Ni pull me closer to him. The bouncer licked his lips and stepped to the side to let us in making girls whine. The inside was dark with purple lights, the DJ table up high where you could see the DJ switching songs rocking his head to the beat. Girls were grinding on guys in white tanks and many people were at the bar or on the 'U' shape seats. You could hear the loud bass coming from the speakers that was playing ''Rap God'' by Eminem. 

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