Chapter 20 - He's Lucky to Have You

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Songs for this chapter -

I don't have a song for this chapter :/


Zoe's POV:

We waited and waited and waited and finally the doctor came back with our results. I really hope one of us can save Zayn. Niall was shaking is leg up and down and was biting on his finger nails, something I have noticed when he is nervous. Harry was asleep with his head in my lap and soft snores coming from his lips. Louis had switch places with Liam and was holding Bentley who was still crying, and Liam was on his phone texting Danielle.

"Okay well your in luck cause Ms. Kingston has the exact blood type as Mr. Malik. We will need to take a pint of Ms. Kingston blood and we will be able to start the operation." Dr. Reese says, I think at that time we all took a long sigh of relief. But my breath soon hitched when I realized I had to give more blood, its one thing to give a vial but a pint that's a lot. Dr. Reese left us to go back into the OR and a Phlebotomist came to pick me up.

"Hello I'm Karen and I will be extracting some blood from you, I'm going to need you to follow me to the laboratory." the phlebotomist told me, she was in that ugly blue color everyone else was in. She had dark, shoulder length hair that was half up half down, she also had these worry lines which meant she was angry a lot. I nod and gently move Harry from me and lean him on Liam. I get up from my seat and follow her but she spins around making me almost bump into her.

"I'm going to need another person with you incase you faint, its a lot of blood to take and you could pass out from not having enough blood." Fear struck over me hearing her words, faint, pass out, blood. Niall gets up and walks over to us.

"I'm come with you guys." He tells the women, she looks him up and down with her chapped, pursed lips clearly she was judging him from looks. Bitch. She nods her head and turns back around to lead us to the laboratory. I look towards Niall and mouth 'thank you' to him, he smiles and holds onto my hand. Once his digits touched mine the familiar warm feeling erupted inside me again. Every time he touched me the feeling would grow, I missed it at times. I wondered what that feeling meant.

Karen stopped once we were at the door of the laboratory, she punched in some number code and door opened for us to walk into. She instructs me to sit down in the large chair but I hesitate. Niall notices my fear.

"Can I sit in the chair and have her sit with me so she's not to nervous." he asks her politely. She looks at him then to me like she was contemplating about it till finally she sighs.

"I guess if that's going to be easier." She says while getting the needle and blood back ready, I swallow the lump in my throat and nod to her. Niall pulls me over to him as he sits in the patient seat, he pulls me to sit on his lap and puts his arms around my waist. Karen ties the rubber band around my arm and pokes at my arm for a thick vein. My breathing rhythm is uneven and I start to panic, Niall notices and shh's me against my neck.

"Shh, its okay just relax Princess. If you do this Zayn will be all better, come on I know you can do this." he whispers to me, I don't even think Karen heard it. I nod and feel the needle go in, I see the blood bag fill by the second till finally its filled. Karen takes out the needle and puts a cotton ball and some medical tape on my arm and takes off the band. Niall helps me up and we are about to leave before Karen stops us.

"Okay that's it, now you will get sleepily in a while just sleep and drink plenty of fluids. Mr. Malik is very lucky that he had is twin to give him blood." she says, I nod my to her instructions. Sleep, drink fluids, and wait what did she say?

"I'm sorry I think I didn't hear you clearly, what was that last part." I ask politely, its probably not what I think it was.

"Oh I said Mr. Malik is lucky that his twin was there to supply him with blood." she says, that what I thought she said. She must be confused with someone else, I'm not Zayn's twin we aren't even related.

"I'm sorry miss but Zoe and Zayn aren't related, I think you have him mixed up with someone else." Niall tells her with a confused look on his face like the one that is on mine. Karen raised her eyebrow at us.

"I ran all of your blood test and Ms. Kingston's blood matches Mr. Malik's yes but they are also identical twins. Didn't you know this Ms. Kingston?" she asked with furrowed eyebrows, I shake my head 'no' and her lips make a 'o' shape. "Well um if you want to know more about it I'm sure Mr. Malik's doctor could tell you more about it since he has Mr. Malik's records." We nod our head and walk back to the waiting room. Everyone is now asleep, I look at the clock and it's 10:00 pm. I yawn and rest my head on Niall's shoulder.

"Come on, lets sit down." He says, He sits down and lays me in the seat beside him. I fell him kiss the top of my head before I finally close my eyes and fall asleep with the last thought in my head. Zayn and I are twins?


OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What? Zoe and Zayn are twin? Maybe their not but who knows? If you think they are why do you think Zoe never knew? Comment your answer!

Love you guys,

Sierra Boo x. 

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