Magical Spell Mishap (Dark Pit X Reader)

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Tsubasa: Okay, Reader-chan. I will appear on this as your best friend! Oh and the picture above is just too perfect.
Dark Pit: (looks at the picture and glares at Author-chan, who is laughing herself off) What the hell is this, Tsubasa?!
Tsubasa: A picture of you happy, which you normally aren't. I figured that I would make a one-shot based on this picture or something. XD
Dark Pit: (pulls out the Dark Pit Staff) You are so dead!
Tsubasa: (stands up) If you don't like, don't read or flame about it. (pulls out a Thunder tome) ONWARD!! (starts fighting with Dark Pit)


You were in the hallway with your weapon in your hand. You had just finished a match against Dark Pit and surprisingly, you had won against him. Now you were on your way back to your dorm ready to lie down on your bed. Once you stood in front of your dorm, you began to dig through your (pocket/bag) for your room key. When you pulled it out, you were about to insert the room key into the keyhole...until you felt a hand grabbing your wrist, which made you drop the key. You turned to see Dark Pit looking at you.

"What is it, Pittoo?"
"Don't call me that!"
"Whatever. What do you want?"
"I just want to say congrats."
"Yeah right. You rarely say that."
"Actually, I want a rematch."
"Not now. I want to be in my room."
"Hmph. You're just afraid to fight me, aren't you?"
"No, I'm not. Now leave me alone, Pittoo."
"I told you to not call me that! I just want to say that I want my rematch!"
"No. And it was your fault that you missed while firing your staff."
"I just messed up my aim! That's all..."
"Really? Then explain this: why did you go easy on (y/n)?" a voice spoke.

Both of you turned to your left to see Tsubasa the dark mage with a tome. Dark Pit walked towards the dark mage and glared at her.

"What was that?!"
"I said why did you go easy on (y/n)? You don't normally do that," Tsubasa spoke with a smirk.
"That's what I was about to ask him," you spoke.
"Ooh! Could it be...that you have a crush on my friend (y/n)?" the dark mage fangirled.

Your heart skipped a beat as you began to blush hardly. You covered your face with your hands to hide it. But what you didn't notice was that Dark Pit was also blushing hard, except that he wasn't covering his face.

"N-no, I do not like (y/n)!"
"Sure you do, Pittoo!" Tsubasa teased.
"Quit calling me that! Just because she's a girl doesn't mean that I have to go easy on her!
"Riiiiight..." the dark mage casually said.
"I'm out of here!"

With that, Dark Pit stormed off angrily, leaving you and a laughing Tsubasa alone in the hallway. You picked your room key and unlocked your room door. Once you went inside, you were about to close the room door until your dark mage friend barged in like Big Bullet Bill destroying little blocks. You backed away as Tsubasa closed the door and turned towards you.

"Okay, (y/n). Be honest. Do you really like Dark Pit?"

Your heart skipped a beat. What she said about it was true. You DID develop a crush on the angel of darkness. But the way he was acting hostile towards you all the time, there was absolutely 0% chance to confess.

"Promise you won't tell him."
"I keep my word."

You took a deep breath and became red.

"Yes I do! Okay?"
"Then why can't you tell him?"
"It's hard. His attitude is what's keeping me from telling him?"
"Ouch. Pretty harsh..."
"What am I gonna do, Tsubasa?"

Tsubasa just stood there, thinking about it, until she made a playful smirk.

"I have an idea."

Tsubasa went to the bookshelf and found the perfect tome she needs.

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