Homesick (Male!Depressed!Robin X Reader)

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Tsubasa: Oh great. Another dark-themed one-shot made from this random writer, aka me. Well, semi-dark-themed one-shot. (shrugs) Anyways I am going to warn you that the following one-shot that you are about to read may contain character depression. If you are not a fan of this, then don't read or flame about it.
Robin: Am I the one being depressed here?
Tsubasa: Sadly, yes you are.
(Long silence, then...)
Robin: ...I don't know what to say.
Tsubasa: (shrugs) Now...ONWARD!!
Robin (thinking): Why does she always do that?


You are snickering as you continue running down the hallway until you hid next to a convenient tall flower pot. In truth, you had just finished pulling an explosive pie prank on Ike and now, he is currently chasing you with a charged up Ragnell in his hand, ready to Great Aether you. As soon as you are hiding, Ike runs past the hallway you are at since he didn't see you. Once the coast is clear, you came out of your hiding spot and look at the hallway. You are starting to think that maybe pulling that kind of prank on the Radiant Hero was a bad idea, but you shrug it off and look around.

As soon as you did, you spot a certain white-haired tactician walking down the hallway carrying a couple of magic tomes with a letter on top of them. You charge you way towards Robin and glomp on him from behind, causing him to yelp and drop his items on the ground. At the same time, you and Robin fell to the ground.

"Hey-a, Robin!"
"Oh. Hi, (y/n)," he spoke in a quiet, calm voice.
"How are you on this fine cloudy and rainy day?"
"Uh...Nothing much. I don't know why you asked."

You mentally cringe a little about his answer.

"Come on! There's go to be something you can do!"
"I don't have anything else to do."
"Robin, don't lie. In fact, I hardly see you doing anything!"
"Just go away, (y/n)..."

As soon as you and Robin stood up, the male tactician quickly pick up his belongings and speed off to another hallway. You just stood there with a worried look on your face. To be honest, you had developed a crush on the male tactician for quite some time. However, there is something wrong about him that have been constantly getting you off-guard. For the past month, he had began to keep his distance from the others, such as you, Chrom, Rufure, and Lucina. Because of this unusual behavior, you had began to worry about how Robin is feeling.

You turn around and start walking down the hallway until you see Chrom and Lucina walking down the hallway. Starting to desperately look for answers, you made your way towards them. They noticed you and stop their tracks once you began to talk to them.

"Hey, guys," you spoke.
"Hey, (y/n)! What's up?" Lucina said.
"I'm doing fine. But there is something I should talk about."
"Okay. What do you want to tell is about, (y/n)?" Chrom asked.
"Have you guys noticed on how Robin is? He used to be happy when he talks to his friends around, but that started to fade. For the past month, he hasn't talked to anyone and he had been unusually by himself recently. If the both of you know anything about this, please tell me."

Chrom and Lucina look at each other with worried looks on their faces and look at you.

"Yeah, we noticed," Chrom spoke.
"I don't think he was like this back at home," Lucina added.
"(Y/n), you're not the only one who is worried about Robin. I am too and so is Lucina."
"We don't know much about it, but you ask Rufure about it. If she does know something about it, then she can tell you about it."
"Thank you, Chrom! Thank you, Lucina! I'll find Rufure right away!"
"Happy to help!" both of them said before walking away.

You look around the Smash Mansion to find Rufure and spot her talking to Corrin (Female Corrin). She is discussing about how should they attack their opponents for their next battle, which is about to start in a matter of minutes. You begin to walk up towards the girls and tap on Rufure's shoulder. Rufure suddenly stops talking and turn her attention towards you. Both of them smiled as Corrin wave hi to you.

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