Anyone can Love (Bullied!Zelda X Female!Reader)

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Tsubasa: My first yuri one-shot. Hooray!
Zelda: Is it uncommon for me to fall in love with a woman?
Tsubasa: ...Honestly, no.
Zelda: Er...okay...
Tsubasa: The following one-shot has yuri (aka girl x girl) so if you are not a fan of it, then don't read or flame about it.
Both: Now...ONWARD!!

(High School AU One-Shot)


"You are nothing but a HUGE pain in our butts!" Samus said as she slapped Zelda in the face.

The brunette endured the hit and looked directly at her bullies, which were Dark Link, Samus, Peach, Rufure (Female Robin), and Bowser. She was facing her bullies with a scared look on her face. She doesn't even know why she was bullied in the first place. It all started when Peach, her former best friend, started to spread rumors about her. It even got to the point where the blonde eventually turned her back on her.

"You know you're a freak!" Bowser cackled.
"You can't love anyone, you know!" Peach added as she punched Zelda's stomach.

Soon, the injured brunette fell down to the ground, clutching onto her stomach. The bulies laughed as they walked away from her. In the distance, there was a high schoolgirl who was looking at Zelda at the other end of the hallway. You were considered to be a popular schoolgirl and you don't even know why you had this reputation, but that doesn't matter. You had a sorry look on your face and walked towards Zelda. When you bent down to look at her, your (e/c) eyes widen as you looked at the injuries that she sustained. Zelda looked at you with tears in her aquamarine eyes. You reached out your hand for her to grab and made a small smile.

"It's okay. I don't bite," you stated.

Zelda believed in your statement and accepted your hand. You helped her stand up straight and managed to catch her when she lost her balance. Much to your surprise, the brunette embraced you and began to cry on your shoulder.

"Shh. It's alright."
"It hurts, (f/n). I don't know why do I even deserve this."
"I don't even know either. Come on, I'll take you to my house."
"You're injured. Come on."


As soon as you and Zelda entered your house after a long walk, you see your mother in the kitchen, making some lunch. She noticed your presence and smiled.

"Mom, I'm home!"
"Welcome back, sweetie. How's school?"
"It was okay, but I have something urgent to do."

Your mother noticed Zelda's injuries and looked at you.

"So are you trying to help a friend?"
"Yeah. A group of bullies had badly beaten her up at school."
"I see. The first-aid kit should be underneath the bathroom sink upstairs."
"Thanks, Mom!"
"I'll let you know when dinner's ready."


As soon as you got the first-aid kit from the upstairs bathroom, you guided Zelda to your bedroom and the both of you went inside.

"You have a nice bedroom, (f/n)."
"Thank you."

Zelda sat down on the bed and looked at you as you closed the door. Once you closed the door, you sat down next to Zelda and opened the first-aid kit. You began to gently mend each of her injuries.

"Sorry. Did it sting?"
"Slightly, but not much."
"Okay then."

As you continued to mend, the brunette looked at you. Her heart began to pound faster and a pink blush appeared on her cheeks.

Wait. I like (f/n)? But how can I like a girl? And how will (f/n) react about it?

"Why are you even helping me, (f/n)?"

You stopped and looked at Zelda's aquamarine eyes with your (e/c) ones. Pretty soon, a pink blush surfaced from your cheeks as you took a deep breath a sighed.

"I don't want to see you get hurt. As a matter of fact, I'm sick and tired of those dumb idiots teasing you everyday. To be honest and this might sound crazy, but I liked you for a long time. For that, I am willing to be by your side as a defender and a lover."

Zelda's eyes widen at your confession and began to fidget around with her fingers.

"(F/n)...I don't know what to say. But how can I love you? You're the most popular girl in school and...I'm just a nobody."

You leaned forward and pecked Zelda's cheek, causing the both of you to blush harder.

"I don't care about any of that. Anyone can love," you stated.

After you finished mending the brunette's injuries, you embraced Zelda and smiled. The brunette hugged back and tearfully smiled.

"I love you, (f/n)."
"Love you too, my girl."

Pretty soon, you and Zelda heard your mother calling the both of you downstairs for dinner.

"Come on. You might need something to eat."
"Good idea (f/n). Peach and the others destroyed my lunch today."
"At least I am nice enough to help you."

Extended Ending:

At the end of the next school day, Zelda clung onto your arm as the both of you were walking down the hallway for the exit. As you continue to walk down the hallway, Zelda quickly noticed her bullies from a distance. They were walking towards you and half of them gasped. You turned around to face them while the brunette hid behind you in fear, not wanting to get hurt again.

"Oh. Look who showed up," you spoke.
"(F/n)?!" Wii Fit Trainer shrieked.
"Why is she by your side?!" Samus asked.
"I allowed her, you moron," you replied.
"I can't believe it! The most popular girl in school is hanging out with a nobody?!" Dark Link exclaimed.
"Do you have a problem with that, Darkie Dork?" you taunted.

Dark Link scowled at the hated nickname you gave him. Peach began to walk towards you nervously and tried to pull you away from Zelda.

"Either way, come on! We'll pull you away from that-"

You angrily interrupted her action by quickly slamming your fist onto Peach's face. Peach's face was filled with shock as she was knocked back with a bloody nose. She almost lost her balance, but she managed to stand straight. Soon, you gave the bullies a terrifying death glare, which made them cower.

"Leave my girl alone. Any of you try to hurt Zelda one more time, I will gladly show no mercy to any of you," you threatened in a dark tone.

Pretty soon, the bullies began to split and run away from you guys. Zelda stopped hiding behind you and smiled. The two of you went outside of Smash High School and into the street.

"Thank you, (f/n). I'm so glad that you defended me."
"Anything for my girl," you added and kissed Zelda on the cheek.

Tsubasa: I'm done. In the future, I might make more yuri one-shots. Who knows? Anyways, if you like the one-shot, vote and comment about it. If you want to request a one-shot, message me about it. Until then, see you in the next one.

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