Happy Halloween (Character X Reader)

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Tsubasa: Okay. I'm going to be honest. I couldn't figure out who the perfect Smasher should be, so it's best that you choose the Smasher of your choice, Reader-chan. Here's the Halloween one-shot as I stated from Author's Note #2. Once again, I will appear in this as your best friend. Without further ado...ONWARD and a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!

(S/n) = Smasher name

"Alright-y then. Let me just add some paint over here and-"
"Are you almost done yet, Tsubasa?"

Tsubasa stopped painting your face for a brief second and looked at you with an annoyed look.

"Oh for the love of gods and goddeesses, (y/n), I'm not finished yet."
"Okay. It's just that this face-painting is taking forever, you know. Can't you paint a little faster?"
"Hey, you can't rush art. Now hold still. I almost left a bad smudge on your face."
"Sorry, Grumpy. Proceed, please."

You allowed your best friend to continue painting your face. Once Tsubasa had finished painting your face, she pulled out a small mirror for you to see. When you looked at your reflection in the mirror, you...have no words to say. You were dressed up in a (your choice) costume and your best friend was dressed up in a white angel costume. (Unless if yours is the same as mine, it's fine.) You hate to admit that your costume may look ridiculous, but the way on how Tsubasa painted your face looked perfect nonetheless.

"Ugh, I look terrible," you stated.
"No you don't, (y/n)! You look fabulous in that costume!" Tsubasa stated.

You did a teeny smirk and made a fake pout.

"No I don't," you teased.
"Yes you do," Tsubasa teased back.

The both of you kept bickering at each other with "Yes" and "No" until the both of you laughed it off. Soon, you smiled and the both of you stood up from your seats to get ready for trick-or-treating. You grabbed your (basket/bag) while Tsubasa grabbed her basket.

"Thanks for painting my face, Tsubasa."
"What can I say? I'm artistic when it comes to creativity." (Believe me, I am.)
"I know you are. That's why your my best friend," you replied.
"Ahahaha, you know me so well! Come on! The other Smashers are ready for trick-or-treating! Especially you crush (s/n)~!"

You blushed madly and quickly covered your face.

And she's teasing me about my crush.

You and Tsubasa left the bedroom and walked into the lobby, where the other Smashers are with their costumes on and baskets or bags. When the both of you greeted and complimented each of the Smashers, you noticed that (s/n) was walking towards you. You tried to hide your face, but you felt Tsubasa lightly patting your head with a smile on her face.

"It's alright, (y/n)."
"Um...but Tsubasa, are you sure it's-"
"Hey, (y/n)! Hey, Tsubasa!"

You made a small yelp and hid behind your best friend. Tsubasa was surprised and turned her head at a 90 degree angle to look at you. She was confused at first, but looked back at (s/n) and continued their small conversation.

"Hey, (s/n)! What's up?" Tsubasa greeted.
"Nothing much. I'm just getting ready to go trick-or-treating with the others. Are you guys coming?"
"Yeah! We'll be going with guys in a minute! We just...gotta have a small talk first..."
"Uh...alright then. I'll let you guys know when it's time to leave. See ya!"

When (s/n) walked away, Tsubasa turned to looked at you.

"Come on, (y/n). You should have spoken to (s/n). Why didn't you?"
"Uh...it's kinda hard to explain."
"(Y/n), it's OK. You can tell (him/her) about you this Halloween or there won't be some other time. You can't shut the poor person out forever."
"I know. I'll try to tell (s/n) about my feelings after trick-or-treating with the others."
"That's the spirit! Look, here (he/she) comes now."

As Tsubasa has stated, (s/n) came walking towards you and your best friend.

"Hey, guys! It's time to go trick-or-treating now! Hope your ready!"

You smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Alright then!" you replied.
"Come on. We got some candy to get!" Tsubasa exclaimed.

Tsubasa began to grab your wrist, along with (s/n)'s, and the three of you walked towards the Smash Mansion's front doors and into the streets for trick-or-treating.


The streets were filled with a lot of trick-or-treaters walking or running around for candy. It was pretty exciting for you, (s/n), and Tsubasa to enjoy! As you walked up towards the doorstep on each and every house, you start to notice that (s/n) was blushing harder. But you were not the only one to notice (him/her) blush because Tsubasa had also noticed (s/n) blushing and smiled.

"Allright then. That's that," you stated.
"Too bad there wasn't that much people giving out candy," (s/n) said.
"Come on, guys! At least we had fun trick-or-treating this year. Right?" Tsubasa gestured.

You and (s/n) looked at each other and shrugged.

"Yeah you're right, Tsubasa," (s/n) said.
"I have to agree, it was fun," you replied.
"Ha ha! Come on, let's eat some of our candy!" Tsubasa suggested.

Once trick-or-treating has ended, all of the Smashers, except the three of you returned back to the Smash Mansion to enjoy the treats they received. You, Tsubasa, and (s/n) sat down underneath an oak tree at a nearby lake next to the Smash Mansion and enjoyed the candies, popcorn balls, and other treats you received. After eating some candy and saving some for another time, the three of you began to gaze at the moonlight for a good 5 minutes...until Tsubasa got up with her basket filled with candies.

"Well, I better get back to the Smash Mansion for some shut-eye. See you later!"

As she walked off, you began to hear her through telepathy.

"Good luck, (y/n). Just tell (him/her)," she said before cutting off.

You nodded and sat down next to (s/n), who noticed and smiled. Without any option left, you looked at (s/n) and kissed (his/her) cheek and looked away. (He/She) noticed and looked at you with a blush on (his/her) face. (S/n) kissed you back, but this time, it was on the lips. You kissed (him/her) back with more passion and pulled away for air.

"I love you, (y/n). Happy Halloween."
"(giggle) You too, (s/n)."

The both of you looked at the moon until the both of you held hands and returned back to the Smash Mansion.

It was a great Halloween for you and (s/n) to remember.

Tsubasa: First, I just want to say that I apologize that this was posted 2 days after Halloween. I had a lot of things to do (which was kind of infuriating) but I finished taking care of that problem. Also, I'm sorry if this was short and crappy because I am starting to slowly lose interest in this, but not entirely. If you like the one-shot, vote and review about it. Until then, see you in the next one-shot.

Tsubasa~ ♡

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