Accident (Male!Corrin X Reader)

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Tsubasa: I couldn't think of a good title for this, so I figured one simple word would be the title.
Kamui: But why the word "Accident", Tsubasa?
Tsubasa: That, my friend, is what you would figure out in this one-shot. If you don't like, then don't read or flame about it. Now...ONWARD!
(Kamui stares at me very confused)

The male Corrin's name is Kamui

One cloudy day, you are currently in your bedroom packing your bags. The truth is that you had received an invitation to join Super Smash Brothers, something that you have been a huge fan of for a long time. You are excited to join with your favorite childhood characters and told your parents about it, in which they were happy to hear. After you finished packing your bags, your hear your parents come into your room and they begin to help you carry your luggage to your (f/c) car. As soon as they finish helping you, you went to your closet to go pick up your favorite (f/w). Once you got your weapon, you put it on the passenger seat of your car and walk up to your parents and eventually hug them.

"Your mother and I are going to miss you very much, (y/n)."
"I'm going to miss you too, guys."
"Promise me that you'll be safe, (y/n)."
"I will, Mom."

You got into your car and start to turn it on with the car keys. You look at your parents one last time and wave good-bye to them.

"Bye, Mom! Bye, Dad! See you when I get back!"
"Bye, sweetie! We love you!"
"Stay safe and do your best, honey!"

As soon as you enter the road, you begin to drive off into the open road. While you are driving, you start to put your favorite song on the radio and eventually shift your eyesight to the road. Suddenly, it begins to rain and you start to activate the windshield wipers for you to see the road. Unfortunately, it is starting to rain harder and it is getting difficult for you to see despite the fact that the wipers are activated. As soon as you are about to make a small turn, you suddenly feel a loud bump in front of the car, which made you let out a small yelp. Frantically, you stop by quickly hitting the brakes and get out of the car...only to see that you had actually hit someone.

"Oh crap! What do I do, what do I do?! This is bad! I think I killed somebody because of me! ...Wait."

You stopped panicking and start to slowly examine the person. The person is a male with short, platinum blonde hair and pointy ears. He is wearing black and white armor (supposedly?) with a blue cape. Also, what caught your attention was that he is surprisingly, well, barefoot, much to your confusion. Lastly, you notice that he has a golden double-edge sword with small red-violet flames on one hand and a shiny blue stone on the other.

Is he alive? Or did I really kill him?

You slowly begin to creep up towards the unconscious boy and lightly poke him by his shoulder. He quietly groan and you quickly sigh in relief because you were glad that he was still showing signs of living, not about the fact that you ran him over by accident, which still frightens you. You are also glad that he didn't get any injuries either, which is a small miracle to you.

"Well I can't just leave him here in the rain."

You begin to drag the boy by lifting him up, although he is a little bit heavy (Sorry.), into your car. You put his weapons, along with yours, on the backseat and place the boy on the passenger seat. Once you put the passenger's seat belt on him, you got back inside the car and begin to resume driving on the road.


Instead of driving to the where you're supposed to go, you drive towards the nearest motel you can find. Once you finish renting a room for only a few minutes, you place the boy on top of the bed and bring your stuff, along with his stuff, into the room.

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