Chapter 5

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Jimin was enjoying his breakfast with his parents in the dining room when their butler comes into the dining room with a familiar face.

"Good morning, father, mother." A gentle voice said until his eyes' met with shock Jimin. Yoongi grinned. "And Jiminie." Jimin's mother broke into a huge smile and quickly goes to Yoongi's side as she hugged her son-in-law to be.

"Oh my god, Suga dear." She said as she called Yoongi's nickname which his close people calls. Jimin snorted at him and continued eating his breakfast.

"Have you eaten, son? Why not join us?" she invited Yoongi to their breakfast and Yoongi just looked at Jimin. "No, thanks, mother. I have just eaten." He replied politely.

"What are you doing here, dear?" she asked as she make Yoongi sit in front of Jimin who is sitting next to his father. Jimin's father smiled to Yoongi.

"Ah, I am here to pick up Jimin here. We go to the same school so we thought going together can deepen our bonds." Yoongi said as he glanced at Jimin who rolls his eyes.

"Oh yes, that's necessary too. You're so sweet, Yoongi-ah." Jimin's mother said as she eyed her son who is drinking milk. "He is so a boyfriend material isn't he?" she asked as she giggles while Jimin chokes on his milk.

"MOM!" Jimin exclaimed as he blushed when he saw Yoongi smiled at him. 'He is smiling like this because mom and dad are here. Aish, if only they know how sly of this fox. They will really got shock.'

Jimin's mother ignored her son's protest. Jimin's father coughed. "I heard you sent our Jiminie home yesterday. What happened?" Jimin's father asked and Yoongi nodded.

"Ah, yes, I sent him home yesterday because Jiminie sprained his legs during gym so I have to bring him here. But don't worry father, from this day on, I will be the one who will pick him and bring him back to home." Yoongi said with a smile and Jimin's father nodded with satisfactory.

"You're such a well-raised kid, Yoongi." He praised as he smiled at Yoongi. "I'm so proud to have you as my son-in-law." Jimin wanted to face palmed himself. 'Uh, what good things do you both see in him? He is not handsome – I mean he is handsome but not really. Whatever. He is rude as fuck!!! He is doing all these acting and once you're all gone he will treat me like shit. Yesterday was because he is being in his good state. Yeah. Min Yoongi is not that nice of a guy.'

"Jimin, if you're done. You should go now. Don't make Yoongi wait for too long." Jimin's mother said and Jimin nodded.

"It is okay, I am fine with waiting. I don't want Jiminie to rush." Yoongi said with a smile until he smirked at Jimin. 'Urgh, see? You guys see that right? This bastard is doing all this so that my parents will love him. So annoying!'

"Aw, that's so sweet but Jiminie here needs to respect other people too. He is too spoiled." His mother said as she gives her son a signal to start moving his lazy ass. Jimin made his face and leave to his room to take his things. 'I hate him.'

After several minutes later he came back, he saw his parents are totally conversed with Yoongi. He coughed to get his attention and Yoongi smiled as he stood up. He bowed to both Jimin's parents. "We will be going now." He said as he put his arms around Jimin's shoulder and Jimin blushed. 'There is no need for him to go this far!'

"I will be going, bye, mom and dad." He said as he bid good bye to his parents and walk to Yoongi's car which is parked in front of the door. As soon as Jimin's front door is closed, Jimin pushed Yoongi away.

"You don't need to go this far, idiot." He hissed and Yoongi chuckled.

"Your face is priceless when you blush." Yoongi said as he opened the door for Jimin and let the younger get in first. He then climbs to the driver seat as he closed the door. "And your mother says I am a boyfriend material." Yoongi said and grinned. Jimin felt as his face hot and looked away.

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