Chapter 12

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Jimin was pressed against the mattress and Yoongi slowly leaned into him. "Wh-What are you doing, bastard!" he exclaimed as he hit the elder male's chest but the said person is stronger as he pinned his hands against the bed.

"Jimin, let's have sex." He said, low voice but deep. Jimin gulped as he shook his head. "What? NO. You said you wouldn't touch me until I say yes, pervert." Well yes, Jimin is still sassy although he is in this situation. Yoongi slowly leaned in as he licked his earlobe.

"Can't. I am horny as fuck and you're too damn hot. Not to mention, your ass is inviting me to fuck it." He said sexily as he licked his lips.

"PERVERT, NO, DON'T TOUCH ME!" he shouted when Yoongi slowly takes his clothes off.

"Come on, Jiminie. Don't be shy. We're already married so this stage will come eventually." Yoongi smirked as he leaned into seal kiss with Jimin's mouth.


Jimin woke up, sweats running down from his forehead. He pants. 'It is just a dream,' he sighed as he looked beside him and there is no sight of his husband. Jimin bit his lips. 'What time is it now?' he looked at the clock and it is half past 8. Jimin nodded. 'Urgh, it is kind of boring without school,' he said as he dragged his lazy body to the bathroom to wash up. After washing up, he exits the room as he headed towards the kitchen to make breakfast where he saw his husband cooking. Jimin blushed as he remembered his dreamed as he covered his chest with his hands. 'Aish, why did I dream such dreams? Since when I become this perverted?'

He walked closer to the rapper as he coughed to get the elder's attention. "Ahem, good morning." He said as Yoongi turned around and smile.

"Wow, you're finally awake, sleepyhead. I thought I was always the one who loves sleep." Yoongi said as Jimin rolled his eyes.

"Oh please, I always wake up earlier than this!" he retorted. Yoongi smiled which makes Jimin's cheeks a little redder.

"Alright, alright, you win." Yoongi said as Jimin pouted. "Now help me with the breakfast. Please crack those eggs for me." Yoongi said as he pointed the eggs and Jimin gulped. 'Holy shit, I have never entered kitchen before. How to I crack egg?' Yoongi frowned as he looked at Jimin who is staring at the egg like it is the first time he'd ever seen. Suddenly, Yoongi's eyes widened as he smirked at the younger male.

"Don't tell me you don't know to crack eggs." Yoongi said as Jimin blushed as he quickly put his sassy mode back.

"NO. I know how to crack egg." He said as Yoongi raised his eyebrows while Jimin took an egg in his hands and cracked it. But of course, Jimin used less forced that it doesn't crack.

"You don't put much force into it." Yoongi said to which Jimin rolled his eyes.

"I know. I said I can do it!" he said and Yoongi founds Jimin cute.

"Sure. Go ahead." He smirked as he folds his hands and leanded on the wall and watched his wife crack an egg. This time, Jimin put too much effort that the egg splattered and he got wet. Yoongi burst out into a laughter and Jimin glared at him. 'Aish, I wanna dig a hole and disappear. This is embarrassing.'

Yoongi walked towards a centimeter shorter male with a tissue as he cleaned the his dirty hands. "You gotta wash your hand." He said as Jimin stared at him. 'hmm, he is not that bad.' "And sit down and wait for the breakfast. I will do it." Yoongi said as he continued cooking what he is doing. Jimin felt a bit bad because he can't help the elder male. 'Aish, I am so stupid. Now, he is doing all by himself. I feel bad.'

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