Chapter 4

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-Caleb's Time-

Man, two weeks passed by already! It’s a lazy Saturday afternoon for me. I decided to walk around the subdivision. I wonder if Bernadette’s here? She did say that she walks around with her dog every Saturday afternoon, right? My instincts told me to go to the mini-park. When I went there, I was right.

She’s sitting at one of the benches, her dog Summer sleeping on the ground. She’s currently listening to the songs on her iPod and I don’t know if she knows or not, but she’s already singing along to the song.


Two old friends, meet again

Wearin’ older faces

And talk about the places they’ve been


Wow. She has a great voice. I silently listened at her sing, but then I stepped on some leaves, causing Summer to stand up and bark at me. He ran towards me and I was surprised to see him wag his tail and gave me a friendly bark.

That immediately caught the attention of Bernadette. She looked at me and gave a faint smile. I took that as a cue to sit beside her.

“Do you mind if I join you?”

“Nah. What more can I do? You’re already here.” I could sense the playfulness in her voice.


“I consider Summer as my company.”

“Do you like being alone?” I turned towards her. She just looked straight ahead.

“I prefer to call it solitude. I do like to be with my friends. But sometimes, you just need some time for yourself… to think about life and other important matters that should be contemplated once in a while.”

“Wow, are you really sixteen? You sound like an experienced senior citizen.”

She laughed at my comment. “I’m an old soul, I think. I’m weird, right?”

I smiled at her before answering. “Nope. I find you interesting.”

I saw her cheeks blush. It looks good on her, I must admit. She playfully slapped my arm and said, “No need to fool me, Caleb.”

“But what I say is true. No one told you that you’re interesting?”

“There is nothing interesting in me. I’m plain old Bernadette Analize Maydor. I’m a girl. I have crushes on numerous actors and singers. I like sweets. I’m just your regular average girl.”

I gave her a pat on the head, and then ruined her hair by rummaging it.

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