Chapter 21

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-Caleb’s Time-

I’m still on after play high. Bernadette and I received a lot of congratulations from everyone. From their reaction, I could tell we did a pretty good job. Though I couldn’t dwell on it for long since we have to prepare for the JS Prom. I already asked Bernadette if I could be her partner right after the play, and I couldn’t help but smile on how I earned her yes.

How you may ask?

“Hey Bernadette, do you have a partner for the prom?”

“Nope, why?”

“Duh, Bams! Caleb’s asking you out!” Jamella suddenly joined in the conversation. “Say yes!”

“Uh, yes?”

“Then it’s settled!” Jamella then turned to me. “Congratulations! You’re going out with Bams for prom. Take care of her, okay?” She then smiled and left.

Weird, huh? Well, I got to have her as my partner anyway. Now, I’m about to fetch her from her house. Her mom and dad knew about it too since I asked permission from them.

I’m waiting at their living room, since Bernadette’s still finishing up. Her dad and I talked. You know, the usual guy stuff. Before I knew it, her mom came down from the stairs.

“Dear, come down now.”


Just… wow.

Caleb, you’re the luckiest man alive right now.


“Bams! Is that you?! You look beautiful, girl!” Jamella exclaimed as she was waiting for us with her own partner, Winston. She looked pretty in her pale blue gown.

My partner? Nah, she’s not pretty.

She’s beautiful. Definitely beautiful.

I saw everyone look at us as we entered the function room at one of the classier hotels in the city. We had our photo shoots first, and then we were lined up outside since we will enter the venue in pairs as our names are called.

The ‘Juniors-Seniors Turning Over Ceremony’ started with the entrance, opening prayers, singing of the national anthem, and the usual drama. As I quote Bernadette on how she sees it, it is “another set of blah blah blah moments.” I have to agree with her.

Then the candle lighting ceremony took place, followed by our much awaited dinner! Bernadette and I ate to our hearts’ content while laughing and talking at the same time. I really enjoy her company, and so I’m not gonna deny it any further.

I think I like her already. Not just as a friend though. It’s something… much more special.

The Juniors performed the traditional “Juniors’ Dance” while us, the Seniors, did our “Seniors’ Dance as well. We’re actually better off, and I’m not saying that just because I’m one. After all the formalities… it’s time to party the night away! I looked at my ever beautiful partner.

“Do you want to dance, Bernadette?”

She gave me her angelic smile. “Of course! Let’s go!”

We danced until our feet hurt. I think it was a total of six pop songs. Suddenly, the mood changed when the DJ decided to play a much mellow tune.

“Come on, let’s go back to our seats.”

I held her hands and placed them on my shoulders. I then held her at her waist and pulled her closer.

“One more. A slow dance isn’t that strenuous!”

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