Chapter 8

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-Caleb’s  Time-

After the Track and Field event, we have one last activity before July ends.

The celebration of Nutrition Month.

Man, another set of activities. There’s the Cooking Challenge, Jingle Making Contest, On-the-Spot Poster Making Contests, Quiz Bowls, Table Arrangement Contest, Dance Exercise Battle, and the Mr. and Ms. Nutrition. Currently the entire seniors are discussing on who will join what since it’s a battle between the year levels in the high school category. Of course, as the eldest and with the most experience, we have to win all the said competitions. We are epic like that.

Our advisers are with us and the one heading the said meeting is the Senior’s Organization President, one named Alyana.

“Okay seniors, let’s create the team who will join the Cooking Challenge. We need five people who will represent the whole year. I asked Ma’am Marilyn to suggest the best in her cooking classes. Samantha Chua, Danielle Marie Santilla, John Patrick Yagro, Dominic Herrera, and Bernadette Analize Maydor, the five of you are the ones highly recommended.”

Everyone clapped and agreed to the plan. Bernadette wanted to say no but her friends stopped her from speaking up. Then the meeting dragged on… and finally we’re down to the final agenda, the contestant for the Mr. and Ms. Nutrition.

“So, the position for Mr. Nutrition is open. Any nominees?” Alyana asked the crowd.

Diana stood up. “I nominate Caleb!”

I heard squeals around me. Oh great. Another four were added and then…

“I close the nomination!”

“I second the motion!”

The five of us were asked to stand at the front to be ogled at. Ma’am Degrasto spoke up.

“Okay everyone, who do you think is worthy to represent the entire fourth year body?”

There were shouts calling out my name and the other guys’ names. I feel like I’m being sold like a piece of meat.

“Let’s do it by votation then,” Alyana suggested. “Who votes for Caleb?”

Guess who got the most number of raised hands.

“It’s final then, Caleb Alvin Larmedo is our contestant for Mr. Nutrition,” Alyana announced.

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