Chapter 15

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-Bernadette’s Time-

The first thing that Jams did to me when I went to school this Monday is this.


“Hey, what was that for?!” I rubbed my sore head.

“That is for not being able to audition when you said that you would.” She huffed and crossed her arms.

“Can I please go to our classroom first to leave my bag? It’s not exactly light, you know.”

“That’s because you bring all of your books home instead of using the locker.”

“Okay, okay, I get it. Can I go to the classroom now? You’re actually blocking the doorway.”

“Let’s go!”

I went to my seat and saw Caleb looking at me. He smiled and said, “Hey, Bernadette!”

“Yo.” I gave him a two-finger salute and before I could say good morning, Jams dragged me outside.

“Hey Jams, are you that excited for the flag ceremony? It’s still 6:55 am. We don’t need to go down until 7:05 and it won’t start until 7:15.”

“I know, but Justine, Alexie and Gail are already there, waiting for us. Come on!”

We went to our friends and they gave me a frown. What did I do?

“Uh, guys? Did I do something wrong?”

“No!” Alexie suddenly exclaimed. “You did something horrendous!”

“Aren’t you exaggerating way too much, Alexie? I don’t even know my crime.”

“You’re right, Ana. Alexie is just overreacting,” Gail replied, earning a loud ‘Hey!’ from Alexie.

“It’s just that, it was so disappointing that you weren’t in the auditions,” Justine added. “We seriously thought you could be the main lead.”

“Come on, guys. It’s not like I wanted my grandmother to be sick.”

Jams looked at me with concern, “Is she okay now?”

I smiled to assure her. “Yep. Good thing it was nothing serious. Mild stroke. She’s recovering now.”

“Did you know that Caleb got the main guy lead?” Alexie said to me excitedly. Whoah, I didn’t see that one coming.

“Really? Who snagged the role for the female lead?”

All of their faces turned sour the moment I asked the question. Jams was the one who first recovered and answered, “Ugh, it’s a third year student. Is her name Rhea or Feya?”

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