Chapter 14

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-Caleb’s Time-

Here I am at one of the dressing rooms at the gym, waiting for my partner to show up.

“Hey Caleb!” Jamella waved at me and I saw her with her friends.

“Is Bernadette done yet?”

Alexie laughed. “Calm down, Caleb. Tita is fixing her up.”

“Dashing as always, huh?” Gail commented.

Justine smiled. “I have a feeling that the two of you will win this.”

“That’s right!” Winston agreed with Paul, Mike, Eric, Jonathan and Jeremy in tow.

“The National Costume Contest will be the final one, right?” Jeremy asked.

“Yep. And then they will announce the winner of every contest,” Jamella replied.

“Is Ana done yet?” Paul asked.

“Nope, not yet,” I replied.

Suddenly, our attention turned to the opened door at our side. A woman in her late thirties emerged from it.

“Hey mom! Are you done playing with Bams’ face and hair yet?”

She smiled mysteriously. “Yes.” She looked at the door and said, “Come on out, dear. Everyone is already excited to look at you.”

We all waited excitedly. I found myself holding my breath… wanting to see her. Slowly, she stepped out.

I always knew that she was beautiful. I just didn’t expect her to be that beautiful.

That very spontaneous realization hit me like lightning.


“Now, let’s welcome the contestants for the National Costume contest!”

I looked at my partner and smiled at her. “Ready, Bernadette?”

She gave me a nervous laugh. “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

I held her hand. “Come on, let’ go.”

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