Chapter 6

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-Caleb’s  Time-

It couldn’t be.


It is just plain impossible.

But how…?

How could the taste be exactly the same?

I could never forget that flavor. It has been carved in my mind and my taste buds know of the familiarity of that kind of taste.

But it’s been so long.

So long that I missed it so much.


“Baby Cuddles! Baby Cuddles! I’ve brought something for you!”


“What is it now, Baby Bunny? Don’t tell me it’s another chocolate cake… made up of mud with flowers you picked from your garden as toppings.”


She shook her head. But what stands out from the expression of her face is the overflowing happiness evident in her smile. “No, silly! I’ve made a snack for us. It’s mango float, my specialty!”


My face brightened up at the mention of food. “Great timing, Baby Bunny! I’m hungry!”


She handed me a spoon an eagerly I took a big bite.


“Wow! You made this, Baby Bunny?”


She nodded, the smile never leaving her chubby face. “Yes! I made it all by myself. I didn’t ask help from my parents or from our maid.”


I clapped my hands. “I know that someday you’re gonna be a great cook.”

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