Chapter 1 ~ First Day of Senior Year

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I'm glad you guys have been reading the prologue. I was very proud of it if I say so myself. I'm excited about this story and I hope you guys are too.
Also, I'm not a fully informed person in the world of the army so I'm just gonna make army things up as I go along

Ryder couldn't sleep at all. He had been at the training facility for a week now and he was missing Ryley. Maybe he should've kept having a conversation with her but he wanted to let her sleep. He couldn't sleep himself though.
It's now 5am. The wake up call happens at 6am but this is about the time of the morning Ryder wakes up. He normally will wake up, head to the bathroom and apply hair gel to his still Bieber cut hair. He didn't want his hair to be cut on the first day so he used some hair gel to slick it back so it wouldn't need to be cut that much. They did trim a bit from the sides and back but it's still the same.
The barracks are filled with beds and Ryder choose a bottom bunk. He's lucky cause he doesn't have to climb off the top bunk to do his gelling.
He gets out of bed and heads off to a nearby bathroom with a tub of hair gel. He locks it behind him and puts the tub on the bathroom sink. He applies hair gel to his Bieber cut hair and slicks it back. He doesn't use as much as Blaine Anderson does but he applies enough for it to stick down for the day and survive the sweat he'll make when he does some of the fitness things.
He returns to his bed and lays back down, staring at the top bunks base. He lays there for about an hour till he hears the alarm for the morning going off. He hears groans from the other trainees.
With it being an all male dorm/room/barracks, all the guys in the room quickly put their camo gear on to being the day. Ryder just puts on a grey-green top and the camo pants. He puts on a pair of black boots too.
First stop before training though; breakfast. He heads to the cafeteria with other guys. No one is talking though. Well, not to Ryder. All the guys here are big (as in muscular) and bald or just have short hair.
"Where ya headed, newbie?" A guy asks, bumping into Ryder from the side.
"Cafeteria. Isn't everyone heading there?" Ryder asks.
"Yeah." The guy says. He's older than Ryder. Looks at least mid-20 to about 30. He has short scruffy black hair, stubble and blue eyes. His eyes is the feature that sticks at the most on his face. (A/N: For this character, think of Ian Somerhalder/season 5 Damon Salvatore - who is played by Ian).
"I'm Ryder Lynn." Ryder says to the older guy.
"I'm Jason Cooper." The older guy says.
"How long have you been training here?" Ryder asks
"Since I was 24. I'm now 26," Jason says, "What about you Flynn Rider?"
"It's Ryder Lynn and I graduated only a few months ago." Ryder says.
"You're doing this instead of college?" Jason asks.
"Yeah." Ryder says.
"I went to college. Got myself a degree in law with my parents owning some law company. I left town after graduation when I was 22. Spent two years travelling the world. Now I'm here. And have been for two years." Jason explains.
"Wow." Ryder says. They reach the cafeteria and join the line to get the shit looking stuff they call 'food' here.
The two boys sit back down and begin to talk about their lives, family and friends. Jason's from Seattle, lived with his studious lawyer parents till he was 22 which was when he left town and went off around the world. He's seen so many things in 2 years. He's been to Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Samoa, Mexico, England, Singapore and so many more places.
Ryder could feel himself becoming good friends with Jason but he couldn't forget his actual best friend; Jake. Jake would be currently in be in New York, with Marley. They'd be starting their first day at Julliard today.
First days. Ryley was having her first day of her Senior Year. He should send her a good luck text for the first day.
"Ryder? You seemed to have blanked out there for a moment." Jason says, bringing Ryder away from his thoughts.
"It's nothing." Ryder says.
Jason wants to ask him something else but just leaves. He pokes his fork at the shit food and slowly eats it, pulling a disgusted face after every bit.
Ryder eats a little bit too then he leaves to head back to his bed. He grabs his phone out of his bag and quickly texts Ryley Hope you have a good first day of Senior Year. Love you and miss you :) then returns to the cafeteria.
He sits back down across from Jason at the table. Jason's finished his shit food and is now just taking sips of water.
"Sorry about ditching you. I had to text my girlfriend a good luck message for her first day of Senior Year." Ryder says.
"You got a girlfriend?" Jason asks.
"Yeah. Her name's Ryley Berry." Ryder says.
"Your first names are very similar." Jason says.
"I know but I love her." Ryder says.
"You do know long distance relationships never really work." Jason says.
"I know but we're going to try." Ryder says.
"Boys! Time to get to training!" The colonel shouts at cafeteria full of male trainees.
"Time to go join the female trainees." Jason says and pats Ryder's shoulder. The two head out into the training area.

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