Chapter 18 ~ The Reunion of Rydley

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So this is basically what you guys have been wanting ever since Chapter 9 (the Rydley break up chapter) so here you guys go.



It had been a few days ever since Ryley and Lucas' break up. Lucas was telling all his football buddies that he broke up with Ryley while Ryley tells the true story; she was the one who broke up with him as he cried. The two haven't talked since though.

They've passed in the hallway but Lucas is acting really cold around her. So maybe they aren't gonna be friends? 

But now Ryley is available to date Ryder...when he actually talks to her or is near her. She hasn't heard from him in ages. She's been asking Finn and Angie about Ryder but they say they haven't heard from him since he arrived in Lima. But she knows both are lying. They have the key signs they're lying such as Angie will seem serious but she'll go "uh" or "um" while Finn will say the wrong words when he's speaking and stutters a little.

She just lets it go though. Ryder will talk to her when he's ready. She's not desperate or anything.

"Have you heard from Ryder? Please tell me you have." Ryley begs to Angie as they stand by their lockers near the choir room.

"Like I've, uh, said before. I, um, don't know." Angie says.

"I'm freaking desperate. My phone's broken and currently getting fixed so I can't text or call him. He is never online on Facebook when I'm on because as soon as I get online, he'll go offline." Ryley says.

Angie keeps her mouth shut.

"I sense you know something." Ryley says, trying to be threatening.

"That isn't, um, gonna work on me," Angie says, "And how can you sense something? Are you psychic now?"

"I have the force," Ryley says then decides to try something, waving her hand like a Jedi in front of Angie's face, "You will tell me everything you know about what Ryder is doing and where he is."

Angie stares blankly at Ryley, "I will tell you every-" Angie shakes her head, "Nope, ain't gonna happen, Rye."

"Shit, I need to meditate and work on my Jedi mind tricks." Ryley says.

"You do know the Jedi don't exist, right?" Angie asks.

"Hush your mouth, woman." Ryley says then walks off down the hallway. She goes into Finn's office and knocks on the open glass door, lightly.

Finn, who looks like he's playing a video game on his computer, drops the computer gaming controller into his lap and takes off his headphones, "I wasn't playing video games, Principal Figgins."

"It's just me, Finn. Don't worry." Ryley says.

"Oh, ah, hey Ryley. What is up?" Finn asks.

Ryley walks up to the desk and leans both her arms onto the desk as if she's doing an interrogation, "Where and what is Ryder doing or up to?"

"I donut - I mean, do not know." Finn says.

"Tell me I will call the one person who can make you talk and get her to sweet talk you into the truth." Ryley says, grabbing Finn's phone that is sitting on the desk.

"Who?" Finn asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Your lovely wife aka my darling sister." Ryley says with a smirk.

"Y-y-you wouldn't." Finn says.

"Oh, I will." Ryley says then unlocks Finn's phone, knowing his pass code is simple; 1-2-3-4. She goes into his contacts and shows the screen to him. Her finger hovers over the call button on Rachel's contact details.

Falling From Cloud Nine (Third Book in The TNB Series)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora