Chapter 6 ~ The One With The Hospital & Bonding

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So I made this chapters title a Friends reference (since all of the episodes of Friends start with 'The One...'

Ryley rushed into the hospital with Finn behind her. She saw Hiram, standing around the waiting room and hugging his arms around himself.
"Dad!" Ryley calls out.
"Ryley." Hiram says then rushes up to his adopted daughter, wrapping his arms around her. Finn awkwardly stands near them.
"How is he?" Ryley asks once they part from their hug.
"He's unconscious right now. He damaged his spine, broke the arm closest to the car that crashed into him and has multiple bruises and cuts. He'll most likely be in a wheelchair for either a few years or forever." Hiram says.
"At least he's alive. We should just be grateful for that." Ryley says.
"Do you know how the accident happened?" Finn asks.
"The police told me that a witness saw Leroy go through an orange light while the car that crashed into him was a bit distracted with their phone," Hiram explains, "Did either of you call Rachel?"
"Yes. She's trying to get on the first flight to Lima. According to her, the next flight she can get will leave in two hours." Ryley says.
"How'd she take it?" Hiram asks.
"She sounded really sad. Her voice cracked once or twice." Ryley says.
"Is she coming alone?" Hiram asks.
"No. She's bringing Kurt." Ryley says.
"Good," Hiram says, "That's good." He takes a seat, feeling himself relax just a bit.
Ryley sits next to him and puts a hand on his arm, which rests on the arm rest. Hiram puts his other hand on top of her hand, smiling softly at her.
"Do you either of you want a hot drink or something?" Finn asks.
"Yeah. I'd love a coffee." Hiram says.
"Ryley?" Finn asks.
"I'm good without anything right now." Ryley says.
Finn nods then walks off to find the coffee machine.
Hiram takes a deep breath and tries to relax into his seat.


Rachel with Kurt goes to the hospital straight from the airport about three hours after Ryley arrived. Burt Hummel had picked the two up from the airport and was going to drop their bags off at the places they needed to be (Rachel's at the Berry's place and Kurt's at the Hudson-Hummel house).
"I came as quick as I can. We found a slightly earlier flight but I'm here now." Rachel says, rushing over to her dad, Ryley and Finn who are now all standing up.
Rachel gives her dad a hug then Ryley and then she hugs Finn, also giving him a kiss. Ryley sits back down after her sister hugs her. She takes her phone out and decides to call Ryder to see if he'll come home earlier than he planned to visit her and stay by her in this time.
"Hey this is Ryder's phone. Sorry I can't come to the phone right now but leave a message if you want to." Ryder's answering machine plays after a few rings.
"Hey. It's Ryley. Just wanted to say I got the lead in the musical. Also, daddy as I should call him got into a car accident. He's not dead but he's got quite a few injuries. He's not awake and I feel like I need you right now. Call me when you can." Ryley says then hangs up.
"Ryder not picking up?" Rachel asks, sitting next to her sister.
"No." Ryley says.
"He's obviously busy because it is the afternoon and he is training for the army," Rachel says, "Back in my freshman year at NYADA, I went through what you're going through. Finn was training in the army. I didn't hear from him since the start of summer. It was at least over a month of me being in New York when he finally turned up. I was mad at him but I was happy to have him with me."
"But didn't Finn get shot in the leg, get discharged then backpack through Georgia for months?" Ryley asks.
"Yes but I hadn't heard from him all that time. You haven't heard from him in over a week, right?" Rachel asks.
"Yeah." Ryley says.
"Well, he's still in the army. Maybe he's too busy." Rachel says.
"What if he's avoiding me? What if he's too busy with another girl?" Ryley asks.
"You're thinking worst case scenario. He loves you." Rachel says.
"Maybe he's lying." Ryley says.
"He's not." Rachel says.
"How do you know?" Ryley asks.
"Because I've seen the way he looks at you. It's the way Finn looks at me and the way Blaine looks at Kurt. It's love." Rachel says.
Ryley smiles softly and looks at her feet. She quickly texts someone that she needs some comfort. About 10 minutes later, Lucas comes into the hospital.
"I came as quickly as I could." Lucas says, walking up to Ryley.
"Can I have a hug?" Ryley asks.
"Yeah." Lucas says.
Ryley hugs Lucas and he hugs her back.

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