Chapter 8 ~ Campaign, New Friends & He's Back

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This is kind of a filler sort of chapter but still; it's a chapter.



"I am running for Senior Class President. So far, I'm going fine but I need some help with my campaign." Ryley says during lunch to the table of Glee Club members.

"Do you need a VP since I'm up for it?" Angie asks.

"Team Ryley and Angie." Ryley says.

"Team Rangie." Gabe says.

"Team McBerry." Zach says.

"I like McBerry." Ryley says.

"Sounds like something you'd get from McDonalds," Lucas says, "Buy the new McBerry today at McDonalds."

"Shut up." Ryley says.

"Lucas does speak the truth about it sounding like something from McDonalds." Gabe says.

"We are not some crappy McDonalds product containing berries." Angie says.

"We are two girls who could lead this school with honour, dignity and maturity." Ryley says. Her and Angie looks serious and make dramatic faces while looking in the distance.

"You two do realize you aren't mature." Zach says.

"Shut up." Ryley says.

"We'll try our best." Angie says.

"Let the McBerry campaign begin!" Ryley announces and hi-fives Angie.



Ryder fired the pistol at the target in the shooting ranges. He spent his days off of training in here. It helped him focus with the plastic glasses and ear muffs on, firing at the targets of people. He watched a bullet landed in the target paper's head, heart and arm.

He keeps feeling regret at the pit of his stomach for not going to see Ryley while she was in the musical. But he had to do 'the course' all of the first day they musical was happening. He then had so many practices in the next few days after that. He would've love to seen her performing and just seeing her overall but sometimes, a dream comes first.

Ryder takes the head gear and a girl in the next range smiles, clearly impressed.

"Wow man, you are good." The girl says. She has dark brown hair, brown eyes and dark-ish skin (A/N: Imagine Phoebe Tonkin...with an American accent).

"Thanks," Ryder says, "I'm Ryder Lynn."

"Hayley, Hayley Maxwell." The girl says.

"Nice to meet you, Hayley," Ryder says, "You good with guns?"

"Yeah. Want me to show you?" Hayley asks.

"Go ahead." Ryder says with a nod of his head as he folds his arms.

Hayley loads her pistol up and puts the ear muffs on. She puts the plastic glasses on. Ryder puts the glasses and ear muffs on too then Hayley fires her gun at the target. The bullet lands right between where the eyes should be.

"Shit!" Ryder shouts, impressed and a little frightened. He takes his ear muffs off and glasses too.

Hayley takes the ear muffs off and smiles at Ryder, "Impressed?"

"And frightened. Shit, I'd hate to be on the receiving end of you when you have a gun." Ryder says then looks at the target with the hole in between where the eyes should be.

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