Chapter 19 ~ Sometimes Proms Can Really Be Dramatic

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I'm giving up on the epicness of these chapter titles now.
Also, I'm going to be featuring Bree from the show in this. She'll be a Junior and her last name will be Westbrook like her portrayed, Erinn Westbrook.

"Good morning, students," Figgins says in his usual slow and bored tone he has into the speaker that goes throughout the school, "This years Junior and Senior combined Prom King and Queen nominees have been chosen."
Majority of the Junior and Senior students who actually care about this become quiet in their classrooms. The others ignore the listening students and carry on with their work.
"For Prom King," The students hear an envelope being opened and Figgins begins reading from the paper inside, "Lucas Tanner, Gabriel Hanratty and Zachary Allen."
In their seperate classrooms, the three Prom King nominees receive hi-fives and pats on the back.
"And now for Prom Queen," Figgins opens up another envelope and reads the paper inside, "Ryley Berry, Bree Westbrook and Angela McGraw."
While Bree takes in the claps from receving the nominations, Angie is shocked. She doesn't want to be Prom Queen and she honestly isn't even that popular.
"How the hell did I get nominated for Prom Queen?" Angie asks Ryley.
"I swear on my life that I don't know." Ryley says.
"Well," Angie says, "I might as well try and win and I'll make sure Gabe is running with me so we can win together."
"That's the spirit. I'm going to hope Zach wants to run with me since it would be extremely awkward with Lucas especially since I am now dating Ryder again." Ryley says.
"But now we are enemies." Angie says.
"I'm fine not winning. I won last year so I'm good." Ryley says with a small shrug and returns to her work.
"Well, I'm going to try beat that Bree girl at least." Angie says.


"So will you be my Prom date?" Ryley asks Ryder as she walks into the choir room with him, hand in hand.
"Nope." Ryder says, teasingly.
Ryley tries to pull her best puppy dog face.
"Nope." Ryder says, trying not to resist her cuteness.
Ryley then thinks of something; a technique used by the one and only, Sarah Walker - well, at the stage she used it on Chuck, she was Sarah Bartowski.
Ryley begins kissing down Ryder's jaw and on his neck, placing quick pecks.
"Yes." Ryder says.
Ryley stops, "Great." She goes and sits down in the front row. Ryder sighs, shaking his head and sitting next to Ryley. He puts his arm around her shoulder and keeps her close to him. The New Directions all begin to enter and take their seats, some of the girls go "aww" at the cuteness that is Rydley in the front row.
"Ryder, you're supposed to be helping me with the Glee Club." Finn says, entering the choir room from his office and placing his bag on the piano top.
"Right." Ryder says, pecking Ryley's cheek then getting up to help out Finn by the piano. The two begin planning prom songs. Ryley turns in her seat to Zach, who's sitting behind her with Lucy.
"Zachary?" Ryley says, getting his attention.
"Yes, Ryley." Zach says, looking at Ryley.
"Do want to be the Prom King to my Prom Queen for Prom Court?" Ryley asks.
"Um, sure." Zach says with a small smile.
"Awesome." Ryley says.
Finn and Ryder face the club and Finn speaks towards them.
"What's the theme of prom?" Finn asks.
"We don't know," Gabe says, "Shouldn't Ryley have planned that."
"Totally." Ryley says.
"What is it then?" Finn asks Ryley.
"Um," Ryley says, scanning her brain for possible themes, "What about like a ball with gowns for the girls and tuxedos for the guys? I can it the McKinley High Ball."
"You should probably tell the Prom Committee that." Gabe says.
"Who is on the Prom Committee this year?" Ryley asks.
"I am and so is Lucy." Zach says, raising his hands.
"And so am I." Angie says.
"Well, you three, we need Ball style things for the McKinley High Ball." Ryley says.
"That's totally specific." Angie says, with a tone of sarcasm.


Prom comes quickly with the New Directions performing so some of the sophomore members are roaming around too. 
Ryley comes in with Ryder's arm link with her's. She's wearing a beautiful black-grey dress that is shiny and covered in sequins on the top half. She wears black gloves on her hands and her hair is pulled to one side of her head (A/N: This is based off a look that Nina Dobrev as Elena Gilbert wore in The Vampire Diaries episode 3x14 because it's probably my favourite Elena look. Pic/s over there ---->).
Ryder is wearing a simple black tuxedo with a black vest under his buttoned up black tuxedo jacket. He looks very dashing with his hair combed perfectly in his signature Bieber cut style.
"You look very handsome tonight." Ryley says when they stop and she stands in front of him, fixing his bowtie up.
"Thanks. You look very beautiful." Ryder says with a smile.
"Thank you," Ryley says then gives him a kiss, "Let's dance."
Ryley drags Ryder on the dancefloor as Abbi, Lucy and Hailey go on stage to start the dance.
The band begins to play their song.

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