Chapter 13 ~ Songs That Make Us Laugh

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Dammit! I forgot to write what the seniors wanted to do when they graduated so I'm just going to write what they're doing now and them getting accepted and whatever.

Also I want to know if any of could make some cool edits to do with Falling From Cloud Nine. I try but fail. Like put your favourite quote or moment on a Rydley or whatever else pic, I'll feature it and dedicate the chapter I feature in it to you or just give you credit for it (whatever you want)



Ryley sat at the dining table in her house. She stared at the envelope on the table; a letter from Julliard. She was so nervous. She sighed and picked up the letter.

"Morning, honey." Leroy says, walking into the dining room and going to the kitchen to get some breakfast.

Hiram was also going to get some breakfast. He was so much better since his car accident. He was still a bit weak but now, he was just a bit sore in places so he takes it easy.

Ryley then screams for joy. Leroy and Hiram both jump in fright and they look at their adopted daughter.

"What is it?" Hiram asks.

"I got into Julliard! I'm going to New York!" Ryley shouts, smiling brightly.

"That's amazing." Leroy says, smiling and hugging Ryley.

"We're so proud of you." Hiram says and also hugs Ryley.

"I'm so happy." Ryley says, hugging her dads'.

"We're happy for you too, sweetheart." Leroy says.


At school that day, the New Directions Seniors (and Lucas) all show off their letters of acceptance; Angie and Gabe also got accepted into Julliard, Natalie is going to Cambridge University in Cambridge, England and Lucas recieved a football scholarship for Ohio State. 

"Looks like if we do last the rest of the year, we're going our seperate ways." Lucas says to Ryley, holding her hand.

"Yeah. Looks that way." Ryley says.

"Let's just make this time we can be together last." Lucas says and kisses Ryley. 

"It's going to be sad to see you go to England, Nat." Angie says.

"I know. I'll be so far away from all of you but we can all stay in touch, right?" Natalie asks.

"Right." Angie says.

The bell rings for first period and they all go their first classes for the day.


"Songs that make us laugh," Finn says in Glee Club that afternoon, "That is the theme this week. And to demonstrate, myself and Zach have prepared something with the help of Gabe, Ryley and Samantha. So let's begin you guys." 

Zach gets up and stands next to Finn after the piano is cleared out of the way while Ryley, Gabe and Samantha get up and stand to the side of the choir room by the band. Ryley steps in between Zach and Finn. 

[Ryley ~ Spoken:]






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