Chapter 7 ~ We're All In This Together

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"He should be here tonight." Ryley says before the final of three nights of the musical. The first two nights were complete successes. Tonight though, Ryder's mom said that Ryder would be coming home for a few days - from today - but Ryder hadn't apparently arrived.

"He'll show up, Rye." Angie says.

Ryley sighs and goes sits down in a chair in the backstage area.

"Ready to perform guys?" Finn asks, walking towards where most of the cast are.

Everyone nods except for Ryley who stays in silence. Ryder should be here. Both her dads' can't come. Her only family out there are her Aunt and Uncle (The Andersons) and Rachel. Finn's here too so she should count him as family.

"I'm ready." Ryley says.

"Let's begin," Finn says, "But first, a show circle." He gestures for the main cast to all come closer and into a circle.

"Who's gonna lead it?" Gabe asks.

"I will," Finn says, "Tonight we are dedicating this last performance to a man who should be here but can't due to a car accident. He is one of my father in laws and is Ryley's adoptive father. Tonight, this performance is for Leroy Berry, a man who I hope is your prayers. He's been unconscious for over a week and soon, he'll wake up."

Ryley receives some sad looks and Angie grabs her hand to squeeze it. Finn smiles softly at Ryley and she weakly smiles back.

"Hands in." Finn says. They all put their hands in and on the count of three, put their hands in the air with a loud "AAAHHH-MAZING!"

Ryley and Zach go out for their separate first scenes. One side of the stage has Ryley on the couch as Gabriella reading a book while the other side has Zach playing basketball with one of male teachers who filled in to play Mr Bolton.

The scenes play out with teachers playing parents and when certain scenes happen, it lights up on the sides of the stages where Ryley or Zach are.

It reaches the New Year's Eve party scene where Gabriella and Troy first meet. Zach arrives at the party first while two people are on stage singing. He just blends into the crowd. Ryley enters the party a while later, heading in the opposite direction and hugging a book to her chest. She goes sits down at a couch to read.

"Give it up for a couple of snowboarders," Troye says, just playing the role of the MC at the start, "Who's gonna be next?"

The smaller spotlights go around the stage. The first one lands on Zach, leaning against the wall. The second lands on Ryley, looking up from her book.

"I can't sing." Zach protests as guys push him.

Troye goes to bring a surprised Ryley up onto the stage.

"I don't sing," Zach protests, being pushed onto stage, "Guys, I can't sing."

"You know what, someday, you guys may thank me for this." Troye says, putting the microphones in front of the two.

Ryley hugs her arms across her chest as she stands nervously behind the microphone stand. Zach just seems a bit shocked and surprised by being on stage.

"Or not." Troye says, leaving the stage.

The music for the first song begins to play with little TV screens (for the karaoke aspect) show the lyrics to the song as the two sing.


Living in my own world

Didn't understand

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