Chapter 12 ~ A Super Sadie Hawkins

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So I'm back from camping so FALLING FROM CLOUD NINE is back, my friends. The theme for Sadie Hawkins is Superheroes (CamrynLynn19 gave me the idea in the last chapter's comments).

It's time for me to be nerdy. Also, this chapter is long. Lots of dialogue and me writing and only like four songs.

Also, dedicated to @Revenge1 for an awesome trailer she made. 


"Good morning students," Principal Figgins starts in his usual slow and bored tone, "Today, we have an update on the Sadie Hawkins from your Senior Class President, Ryley Berry. Take it away, Ms Berry."

Ryley awkwardly shifts so she is in front of the microphone, "Um, good morning everyone. This years theme is Superheroes so you can dress up as any superhero; DC ones, Marvel ones or any other ones you can think of or make up. Go crazy." She then leaves the microphone and Figgins takes over for the morning announcements.

Ryley leaves Figgins' office and meets up with Angie, Gabe, Zach and Lucas outside.

"So what're you going as?" Ryley asks them as she exits the office.

"I think we should go as Batman and Robin. Just female versions." Angie says to Ryley.

"Robin's generally a dude. Never a chick." Gabe says.

"You obviously just know of Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake and Bruce Wayne's son, Damian Wayne. You obviously didn't read the comics where Tim Drake's girlfriend, Stephanie Brown become Robin. She is Batgirl now though." Ryley explains.

"You're a nerd." Gabe says.

"Nerd power." Zach says and hi-fives Ryley.

"You're both nerds." Gabe says.

"Shut up." Ryley says.

"What about you guys? What're you dressing up as?" Angie asks.

"I'm thinking of going as Green Lantern." Lucas says.

"Maybe someone from Star Wars like Han Solo or Luke Skywalker." Gabe says.

They all look at Zach who begins to make noises with his mouth, doing an acapella version of a TV theme song. The group look in confusion then Ryley joins.

"What noises are they making?" Gabe asks.

"I recognise that tune." Angie says.

"What is it?" Lucas asks.

"The Doctor Who theme song. It's Ryley's ringtone for when Zach texts and calls. I was at her place over Winter break for a sleepover and they were having a heated debate over which heroes are better; DC or Marvel. It never got an answer but it was a very long text conversation." Angie explains.

"Nerds." Gabe says.

"So you're going as the Doctor? Which one?" Ryley asks Zach.

"Ten so I need to be as awesome as David Tennant even though I have prepared for this theme of a dance all my life with me having a costume for cosplaying but never been able to wear it since I'm still in the dark a little about my nerdiness." Zach explains.

"Still, it's going to be awesome." Ryley says.


Ryder was at the Army Base for a training session. Today was a training simulation but ever since Christmas, he has been focusing that much. Ryley's been on his mind so much lately. He went to the simulation and they were going to be doing it one by one. Jason, Hayley and Alex were all in the group doing it so they were watching him from an observation platform as it was his turn. They already had their turns and they all passed.

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