+ 1 the curse in diguise +

7 3 0

My hair whips behind me in a black streak. The wind freezing my ears to a red color. My feet grow sore running on the rock path, I'm sure I'm leaving behind bloody footprints.

This is what nobody tells you in the stories. They don't tell you about the pain your receive over and over, the confusion that makes you lie awake at night for hours, or even how lost you feel. This is an adventure. If you could even call it that, I'll let you in on how I got to this green forest running from an army of demons.

It went sorta like this......


"I'll see you later, I have to go to gym." His eyes are still crinkling in laughter and I hold my smile.

"Bye." He replies releasing his grip on my hand. "See you later." Then he turns to leave, I stand there for a second smiling at the spot he was in.

When did my life get so good? I finally had the courage to ask my crush since seventh grade out and as I walked up to him he asked me out tonight instead! Like, was this too good to be true?

The warning bell interrupts my thoughts and I race towards the gym doors to make it on time.

The gyms bright lights catch me by surprise and I blink to adjust.

"Glad you could make it Miss Cesire." My teacher, Mrs. Andrews, welcomes harshly.

"Sorry I was preoccupied, I-"

"We don't need to here your excuses, we have plenty to do today." She cuts off raising her  hand in a shushing way.

Embarrassed I stare at my feet, somewhere inside though, anger flares up.

"So as I was saying, we won't change our gym clothes today. We have the endurance test. This is different from your junior high years, you will place these goggles" Mrs. Andrews holds up a black pair of a hollow rectangle attached to a elastic, two holes looking to be cut out of the front. "on your head then respond the the simulation naturally and tell me your high score." She finishes and starts to hand out all of the goggles.

When she gets to me she stops and says,"I need to speak to you outside." She glares.

I nod and slowly shuffle out the double doors into the hallway.

A minute later Mrs. Andrews comes out.

"Listen, I'm sorry about being late I was-" I try, flowing the words out fast, but she cuts me off.

"Come." Then she turns and fast walks down the hallway with me trailing behind.

"I don't understand what's going on?" I ask with no response.

"Here." She stops walking and points to a wooden door.

"Oh okay." I say confused and open up the door, walking in.

I wait for her to walk in, but she stares back at me grinning.

Then the door closes with the lock clicking shut.

I stare shell shocked then start pounding my fist in the door.

"Mrs. Andrews in sorry I was late! I'll never be late again!" I yell.

Raven (NOT EDITED)Where stories live. Discover now