+ 7 A silly little Game +

6 3 0

I sit patiently on a folding chair, waiting for the instructions and information to be shared.

After ten minutes of waiting, the 'Sir' finally comes into the room packed with people.

He clears his throat in preparation to speak.

"As we all know we have a new member, I will refrain from introducing her since we already know exactly who she is." Yeah they know me better then I know myself.

"So since she is new I will explain the games to everyone again." He stops to take a deep breath in preparation.

"Everyone puts their name in this hat" he points to a hat resembling a magicians prop but with feathers. "Then we add other slips of paper with a type of weapon written on it. Once you get everything situated we go out into the woods and wait, until the crows are released." He smiles evilly before continuing. "Then we kill them, whoever gets the most kills wins."

I frown a little, I was expecting something more evil.

"There's a catch" of course."before going out onto the course, you will have to take a drug. One of them makes you fast, another slow. Two are useless. Five produce hallucinations. Ten are deadly, and the rest is just water." He finishes pointing to a round table with thirty cups around it. By now I noticed that only a few people out of the people I saw during dining were here.

My blood runs cold at the thought of the drugs. Ten were deadly?

I'm shaken out of my thoughts as people around me stand up and walk single file around the table. Each of them finding a seat.

I follow and find my own place at the table. 'Sir' takes a seat at the head of the table.

"The games start in" his hand dangles over the hat. "Three." His grin widens. "Two." His hand starts going into the hat. "One." The hand plunges in and flings a hand full of white slips of paper out.

They slowly fall into each persons lap. Mine falls and I snatch it and start to read.


Recurve Bow

My eyes dart up and meet Amelia's. She smiles in return.

Two down, one to go.

By that I mean the drug.

And by the drug...I mean the glass full of what appears to be water, but could be much MUCH worse.

I slowly reach my hand out and snatch the cup, bringing it to my lips.

No hesitation or you'll never drink it

I think to myself then plunge the liquid down my throat.

It freezes the back of my throat and makes its way slowly down.

I wait for any effect to happen, but nothing does.

"You have five minutes before the drugs take effect." 'Sir' says answering my question.

A door opens, revealing a very green forest. I run over to Amelia.

"Do you have your weapon?" She asks while holding a long sword in her own hand.

"No....where are those exactly?" I ask. She points and I follow her finer over to a rack. On it is about thirty weapons, all different. I walk over and grab the weapon above a golden plate that said "Recurve Bow"

The smooth wood fit perfectly in my palm and I placed the quiver around my shoulder.

I walk back over to Amelia grinning.

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