+ 4 Answered but unanswered +

4 3 0

I glare at them, nostrils flaring, my body still soaked and dripping onto the floor.

The black haired boy smirks at my angered manner, then something in his eyes change and he shuffles his feet. I look over at Amelia, her along with everyone else, had the same nervous feel.

I stare confused, then a deep voice cuts me off.

"Who are you?" I turn around and face the gray bearded man. He had an air of uncaring about him, as if he believed he was better than anyone in this room, and maybe he was.

"April C-" I start to say but he raises a hand to cut me off, looking over my shoulder at Amelia.

"Why is she here?" He asks angrier this time, but hiding is behind a patient tone.

"Sir, I know I didn't exactly follow orders-" he cuts her off as well and turns to me.

"I suppose I have to answer questions" he mutters annoyed, I was dirt under his fingernail. "Follow." He mutters walking past me. His black robes that he wore dragged on the ground, the only sound heard across the the room. Everyone watched me nervously follow him, they were afraid of him. I hadn't seen a reason to be afraid besides his I'm-better-than-you attitude.

I followed him down a dank hallway. We kept going down the straight path, only coming across one turn.

Finally he stopped walking and stood in front of a black door.

Grabbing a key from under his robe, he clicked the door open and we walked in.

What we walked into appeared to be the glass room that was at the top of the ceiling, but that didn't make sense. We were on the lowest floor and had gotten to the top from a narrow hallway with one turn.

My thoughts were interrupted as the man sat down on a black chair pulled up to a glass desk.

I shuffle over to him, still baffled by the whole matter. He shifts through papers, avoiding the fact that I am here.

"It's an illusion." He says out of the blue.

"Huh?" I ask, confused to what he was referring to.

"The hallway, we were climbing upwards the whole time. Which is how we got from the bottom to the top, the narrow and darkly lit hallways pull it off." He explains answering one question out of a million. Finally he had looked up at me and gestured for me to sit down.

"I realize you participated in our ritual before coming here?" He asks, his gray eyes meeting mine.

"Uh yeah?" I ask uncertain. The whole thing was confusing, information overloaded. I was pushed into a substance that somehow made me stronger, and healed me. My shoulder responding to my brains messages was the clue.

"I'll briefly explain that before we get into any other details." He says and I nod. "It's tradition. Before any Newbie can get any other information we have to make them ours, so that they are trustworthy. Yes, we branded you on the skin, but we healed you. We created more muscle in your body so that you can participate in our games. We did it for your own good and for the safety of our members. The liquid was created by our ancestors, it's safe and effective." He finishes leaving me only to nod before he continues.

"Sir is what you will call me. Our group had followed the same laws for centuries and they won't change. The rules will be given to you by Amelia, she will show you around since she thought it important for you to be here. The demons that attacked you can't come near this place, you will be safe here for awhile. There is training tomorrow and I need you prepared and ready for it, after we have games. So make sure you are fitted and Changed." He finishes.

I could tell I wasn't welcome here, I was to stay only for awhile.

"You may go." He says rudely retiring to his work. I get up to leave, still confused by everything. Amelia was supposed to fill me in though, hopefully I can sleep with my questions answered.


"You'll just room with me." Amelia stars chewing on her pork with juice running down her chin. By now I've gotten used to her robotic voice. The black haired boy(who's name I learned was Brady) sat next to her.

I nod to get babbling, lost in thought. The metal trays the kitchen in the Crows Nest provides slamming down in the table disturbs my thoughts.

The blue eyed, blonde haired girl who pushed me sits down on the other side of Amelia.

"Hi." She greets. I stare at her confused, I hadn't learnt her name, and I only knew her from my fall.

She grins at everyone until her eyes land in me. I can already tell she's the positive spirit in her friend group, which I am also betting Amelia and Brady are in it or the only members.

"I'm Stacy." She says holding her hand out to shake. I grab it and shake lightly, smiling dullishly compared to her bright one.

"April." I say.

"Oh I know, we all know your name. I mean you are the..." She trails off at Brady's glare. I stare at my hands confused. Why all the secrets, there were so many secrets. Secrets I know they are keeping from me, judging by what I overheard when I was in the black silver.

"Well nice to meet you, I guess...?" I say confusedly. Stacy smiles even brighter(how is that possible) then continues conversation with Amelia and Brady.

I slowly finish the food on my plate, still processing the information I learned today.

Two days.

I had been thrown off a building and chased by demons. I had been kidnapped by a shapeshifter and brought into a Crow lover building. I had been pushed off a platform and 'reborn' in black silver. I had met with the leader and made friends.

Last week the most excitement I had was finishing my seven book long series in two days.

After eating Amelia informed me of the training hours and showed me to our room. It was simple, stone walls and the regular furnishing was set up.

I sank into the bed with pleasure, letting my fear wipe away.


Hello people!

Next chapter will be better, these last two have just been poorly written and confusing. I hope I answered some questions but if u still have any feel free to comment.

Until next chapter!


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